1. The principle revealed in Romans 8:28 is illustrated many times in the Bible. 2. Genesis shows how all things worked together for good in Joseph's life. 3. In this lesson we are covering the information presented in ch.39. 4. As this chapter begins, . . . Discussion: I. (vs.1) JOSEPH WAS TAKEN TO EGYPT
A. Earlier, Joseph's brothers sold him to some merchantmen (37:28). B. These merchantmen took Joseph to Egypt and sold him to Potiphar (37:36). II. (vs.2-6) JOSEPH WAS BLESSED IN POTIPHAR'S HOUSE
A. (vs.2) "The Lord was with Joseph." B. (vs.3) Potiphar could tell that God was with Joseph. 1. This principle has already been emphasized several times. a. Abraham 1) God promised to bless Abraham (12:2). 2) Abimelech could tell that God was with Abraham (21:22). b. Isaac 1) God promised to bless Isaac and to be with him (26:24). 2) Abimelech could tell that God was with Isaac (26:26-28, 29b). c. Jacob 1) God promised to be with Jacob (28:15). 2) Laban could tell that God was with Jacob (30:27). 2. God was with Joseph, and Potiphar knew it. C. (vs.4-6) Potiphar made Joseph overseer of his house. D. (vs.6b) Joseph was a handsome young man. E. Joseph's bothers had betrayed him, but God was with him in Egypt, and God blessed him. III. (vs.7-20) JOSEPH WAS MISTREATED BY POTIPHAR'S WIFE
A. She tried to seduce Joseph, but he resisted her. B. (vs.9) Joseph knew that getting involved with Potiphar's wife would be a sin against Potiphar, "great wickedness," and a "sin against God." C. Potiphar's wife was persistent, but Joseph was also persistent. D. On one occasion when no one else was around, Potiphar's wife did more than talk. E. Joseph fled before anything could happen. F. She lied against Joseph, and Potiphar put Joseph in prison. G. It is interesting that: 1. Joseph did not tell Potiphar what his wife was doing 2. Potiphar believed what his wife told him without talking to Joseph. H. A very important point is made in vs.20 -- Joseph was put in prison "where the king's prisoners were bound" [ch.40 shows how this was significant]. I. Joseph had been over Potiphar's house, but Potiphar's wife caused Joseph to go to prison. IV. (vs.21-23) JOSEPH WAS BLESSED IN PRISON
A. (vs.21) "The Lord was with Joseph." B. The keeper of the prison could tell it, and he put Joseph in charge of the other prisoners. V. OBSERVATIONS
A. Joseph was mistreated by his brothers, sold into slavery, and mistreated by Potiphar's wife. B. Through all of this, "the Lord was with Joseph" (vs.2, 21, 23; Hebrews 13:5-6). C. The fact that the Lord was with Joseph: 1. made an impression on Potiphar 2. made an impression on the keeper of the prison 3. gave Joseph confidence to continue without giving up.