Introduction: 1. These verses reveal an important requirement that God has given to His children: "be ye holy." 2. Holy: separated from sin, consecrated to God. 3. In his letter, Peter also said that God's children are to be: a. "a holy priesthood" (2:5) b. "a holy nation" (2:9). 4. The purpose for being holy is because "God is holy" -- to be His children we must possess this same characteristic. 5. The extent to which we are to be holy is "in all manner of conversation." a. In our behavior we are to strive to be holy. b. Peter's quotation from Leviticus illustrates the point. 1) (Leviticus 11:44) "Ye shall be holy: for I am holy" is stated in connection with the diet restrictions given to the Israelites. 2) (Leviticus 19:2) "Ye shall be holy: for I the Lord your God am holy" is stated in connection with God's laws for morality given to Israel. 6. In our lesson we are studying some information given in 1 Peter 3:8-12 that will help us to be holy.
A. (vs.8) To be holy we must: 1. be "all of one mind" [harmonious -- 1 Corinthians 1:10] 2. have "compassion one of another" [sympathetic -- Romans 12:15] 3. "love as brethren" [Romans 12:10a] 4. "be pitiful" [tenderhearted -- Ephesians 4:32] 5. "be courteous" [humble -- Philippians 2:3-4]. B. (vs.9) To be holy we must avoid retaliation [taking vengeance personally]. 1. Rather than retaliate, God requires us to respond to ill behavior with "blessing." 2. Christ has shown us how to react to ill behavior (1 Peter 2:21, 23). C. (vs.10) To be holy we must avoid sinning with the tongue. 1. Peter showed earlier in 1 Peter 2:1 that God's children are to lay aside "all evil speakings." 2. Christ has shown us how to avoid speaking "guile" [deceit] (1 Peter 2:21-22). D. (vs.11) To be holy we must: 1. "eschew [turn from] evil, and do good" [Romans 12:9b] 2. "seek peace, and ensue [pursue] it" [Romans 12:18].
A. These instructions will help us to be "righteous" [holy]. B. Those who are righteous enjoy great blessings. 1. The Lord's eyes are "over the righteous." 2. The Lord also hears the prayers of the righteous. C. People who reject or disobey these instructions are unrighteous -- the Lord's face is against those who do evil.
1. We began with a call for God's children to be holy (1 Peter 1:15-16). 2. We examined some instructions presented in 1 Peter 3:8-12 that will help us to be holy. 3. Peter also showed how we become God's children (1 Peter 1:22-23). 4. Have you become a child of God? 5. If you have, can your behavior be described as holy?