The Faith of Daniel
1. In Hebrews 11 we read about a number of Old Testament characters and the ways in which they demonstrated their faith. 2. Through their examples they have shown us how we may: a. please God (vs.6) b. obtain a good report (vs.2, 39). 3. In vs.33-38 we read about demonstrations of faith in which the names of the people involved are not revealed. 4. In this lesson we are concentrating on an occasion when the mouths of lions were stopped (vs.33). 5. Daniel was the man involved, and the details of this special event are recorded in Daniel 6. 6. Let us first consider some important . . . Discussion: I. BACKGROUND INFORMATION A. Daniel 1 1. (vs.1-7) Daniel is introduced. 2. (vs.8-21) Daniel refused to defile himself by eating the food and drinking the wine provided by the king. B. Daniel 2 1. (vs.1-45) Daniel revealed and interpreted the king's dream. 2. (vs.48-49) Daniel was given a high position in the Babylonian government. C. Daniel 4 -- Daniel interpreted another dream for the king. D. Daniel 5 1. (vs.1-28) Daniel interpreted the handwriting on the wall for Belshazzar the king. 2. (vs.29-31) Daniel was promoted as the Medes and Persians took control of Babylon. II. (Daniel 6) DANIEL WAS PROTECTED FROM THE LIONS A. (vs.1-3) Darius promoted Daniel in the new government. B. (vs.4-9) The other rulers conspired to destroy Daniel. C. (vs.10-11) Daniel continued praying to God. D. (vs.12-17) Daniel was cast into the den of lions. E. (vs.18-23) The lions did not harm Daniel. F. (vs.24) The conspirators and their families were cast into the den of lions. G. (vs.25-28) This event made a great impression on Darius. |