1. (1:1-4:13) As God's spokesman, Jesus is superior to all others. 2. (4:14-ch.10) As High Priest, Jesus is superior to all others. 3. We learn from ch.10 that Jesus has offered a superior sacrifice as High Priest. 4. In this lesson we are covering the information presented in vs.1-25. Discussion: I. (10:1-4) THE SACRIFICES OFFERED BY THE JEWISH PRIESTS WERE NOT SUFFICIENT
A. (vs.1) The sacrifices offered under the law could not make the worshipers perfect. B. (vs.2) If those sacrifices could have made the worshipers perfect, there would have been no more consciousness of sins. C. (vs.3) The sins of the Jews were remembered yearly (9:6-10). D. (vs.4) This occurred because animal blood could not take away sins. II. (10:5-10) CHRIST OFFERED HIMSELF AS A PERFECT FINAL SACRIFICE
A. (vs.5-7) A quotation from Psalm 40:6-8 shows that Christ came to do the Father's will. B. (vs.8-9) In doing the Father's will, Christ took away the first covenant so He could establish the second (8:6-13; 9:16-17). C. (vs.10) The second will provides sanctification through the offering that was made once for all (9:24-26). III. (10:11-18) THE SACRIFICES OFFERED UNDER THE TWO COVENANTS ARE CONTRASTED
A. (vs.11) The Jewish priests stood while repeatedly offering the same insufficient sacrifices. B. (vs.12-13) After offering Himself once forever, Christ has sat down at the Father's right hand. C. (vs.14-17) The sacrifice of the new covenant offers the remission of sins. D. (vs.18) The remission of sins implies that no more offering for sin is needed. IV. (10:19-21) THE LORD'S SACRIFICE PROVIDES CHRISTIANS WITH PRIVILEGES
A. (vs.19-20) We have boldness to enter the holiest by a new and living way. B. (vs.21) We have a High Priest over God's house (2:17-18; 4:15-16). V. (10:22-25) THESE PRIVILEGES ARE ACCOMPANIED BY RESPONSIBILITIES
A. (vs.22) We are to draw near. B. (vs.23) We are to hold fast (4:14) C. (vs.24) We are to consider one another. D. (vs.25) We are to assemble faithfully and exhort one another (3:13).