1. The principle revealed in Romans 8:28 is illustrated many times in the Bible. 2. Genesis shows how all things worked together for good in Joseph's life. 3. In this lesson we are covering the information presented in ch.40. 4. As we study this chapter we must keep certain things in mind. a. At a young age, Joseph had experience with dreams. 1) (37:5-7) He dreamed about the sheaves of his brothers bowing down before his sheaf. 2) (37:9) He dreamed about the sun, the moon, and 11 stars bowing down before him. 3) (37:19) Joseph's brothers referred to him as a "dreamer." b. Joseph's brothers hated him so much that they sold him into slavery. c. (39:1-6) Joseph was bought by Potiphar, and Joseph became overseer of Potiphar's possessions. d. (39:7-19) Potiphar's wife accused Joseph of trying to molest her. e. (39:20) Joseph was put into prison "where the king's prisoners were bound." f. (39:21-23) Joseph was put in charge of the other prisoners. 5. (ch.40) In prison, Joseph was given an opportunity to interpret the dreams of Pharaoh's butler and baker. 6. As this chapter begins, . . . Discussion: I. PHARAOH PUT TWO OF HIS SERVANTS IN PRISON (vs.1-4)
A. The "chief butler" [cup bearer] and the "chief baker" did something to upset Pharaoh. B. We do not know exactly what these men did, but Pharaoh put them in prison. C. These men were placed in the same prison where Joseph was, and he was responsible for them. D. After being placed in prison, . . . II. (vs.5-8) THE BUTLER AND THE BAKER HAD DREAMS THAT TROUBLED THEM
A. The butler and the baker did not understand their dreams, and no one could interpret them. B. Joseph could tell they were upset, so he asked why they were sad. C. After learning why they were upset, Joseph instructed them to tell him their dreams. D. Joseph gave God the credit for revealing the interpretations of dreams. III. (vs.9-11) THE BUTLER RELATED HIS DREAM TO JOSEPH IV. (vs.12-13) JOSEPH INTERPRETED THE BUTLER'S DREAM V. (vs.14-15) JOSEPH MADE A REQUEST OF THE BUTLER VI. (vs.16-17) THE BAKER RELATED HIS DREAM TO JOSEPH VII. (vs.18-19) JOSEPH INTERPRETED THE BAKER'S DREAM VIII. (vs.20-22) THE DREAMS OF BOTH MEN CAME TRUE IX. (vs.23) UNFORTUNATELY, THE BUTLER FORGOT JOSEPH Conclusion:
1. In closing, let us make 2 points of application from Joseph's life. 2. The first point has to do with the way Joseph responded when other people mistreated him -- we need to make the best of the situations we face without becoming bitter and giving up. 3. The second point has to do with the way Joseph responded to opportunities that were presented to him (see Galatians 6:9-10).