There Is One Way To Get Into Christ (Galatians 3:26-29)
1. In our lesson we are concentrating on some important information revealed in Galatians 3:26-29. 2. These verses show that "there is one way to get into Christ." 3. There is not: a. one plan for Jewish people and another plan for Gentiles b. one plan for servants and another plan for people who are free c. one plan for males and another plan for females. 4. There is one way to get into Christ, and it applies to everyone. 5. Perhaps we need to begin our study by pointing out some . . .
A. According to 1:1-2, this letter was written by Paul the apostle, and it was addressed to the churches" [congregations] in the area known as Galatia. B. These congregations were facing a serious problem. C. Some teachers were influencing the Christians in Galatia to keep the Law of Moses. D. We learn from 3:23-24 that the law had served its purpose. 1. Under the law, the Israelites were God's chosen people -- they were Abraham's physical descendants. 2. The Law of Moses was designed to keep the Israelites separate from other people, particularly the Gentiles, until Christ came. E. Paul showed in 3:25 that Christians are not under the Law of Moses. F. According to 5:1, Christians are to "stand fast" in the liberty that Christ provides. G. We learn from 5:4 that following the Law of Moses now is a serious offense. H. With this general information about the book of Galatians in mind, let us turn our attention to . . .
A. (vs.26) Today we become God's children "by faith in Christ Jesus." 1. This applies to everyone -- "all." 2. Let us make an observation from 6:15. a. In Christ, circumcision [a vital part of the Law of Moses] does not matter. b. What really matters is becoming "a new creature." 3. How do we get into Christ so we can become new creatures? B. (vs.27) We get into Christ by being baptized into Him. 1. When we are baptized into Christ we put on Christ. 2. We become God's children as well as new creatures (2 Corinthians 5:17). C. (vs.29) When we get into Christ we enjoy two other blessings. 1. We become "Abraham's seed" [his spiritual descendants]. 2. We become "heirs according to the promise." a. (Genesis 12:3) God promised that "all families of the earth" would be blessed in Abraham. b. Paul discussed this promise in Galatians 3:7-9. D. We learn from Galatians 3:28 that these principles relate to everyone, regardless of racial background, social background, or gender. E. For the remainder of our time we want to illustrate from Acts that . . .
A. Acts 2 1. On Pentecost, Jews from all over the world were in Jerusalem (vs.5). 2. What did they do? (see vs.37-38, 41) B. Acts 8 1. (vs.5a) Philip went to Samaria. a. (vs.5b) He "preached Christ" to the people in Samaria. b. What did they do? (see vs.12) 2. Philip was led to a deserted area. a. He studied with the eunuch of Ethiopia [Africa] (vs.35). b. What did the eunuch do? (see vs.36-38) C. Acts 9 1. The Lord sent Ananias to teach Saul, a Jew who persecuted Christians (vs.10-11). 2. What did Ananias tell Saul to do? (Acts 22:16) 3. What did Saul do? (Acts 9:18) D. Acts 10 1. Cornelius, a Gentile, was told to send for Peter who would teach him what he needed to do (vs.5-6). 2. What did Cornelius do? (see vs.48) E. Acts 16 1. Notice what happened with Lydia, a businesswoman (vs.14-15). 2. Notice what happened with the jailer in Philippi (vs.30-33). F. Acts 19 1. In Ephesus, Paul contacted some people who had been baptized, but they had not been baptized correctly (vs.3-4). 2. What did these people do? (see vs.5)
1. The Bible teaches in Galatians 3 and in these examples of conversion that "there is one way to get into Christ," and this applies to everyone. 2. Do you believe that Jesus is God's Son? 3. Will you repent of your sins? 4. Will you confess your faith in the Lord? 5. Will you be baptized into Christ? 6. By obeying the Gospel, you will become a child of God, you will put on Christ, you will become a new creature, you will become a spiritual descendant of Abraham, and you will become an heir of the promise God made to Abraham.