Winning SoulsIntroduction:
1. Throughout the Scriptures a number of great themes are emphasized. 2. We have been studying a series of lessons based on 13 of these themes. 3. In Proverbs 11:30 Solomon mentioned our 13th great Bible theme: "winning souls." Discussion: I. IN THE BIBLE WE READ ABOUT MANY PEOPLE WHO WERE SOUL WINNERS A. Some were able to influence great crowds, including: 1. Jonah (Jonah 3:4-5) 2. Peter (Acts 2:37-41) 3. Philip (Acts 8:12). B. Some were able to lead one soul to the Lord, including: 1. Andrew (John 1:40-42) 2. Philip (John 1:43-46). C. After examining these Bible characters, we see that the Lord: 1. is able to use people from different backgrounds to win souls 2. needs soul winners who can influence great crowds, and He needs soul winners who can teach 1 person -- BOTH ARE IMPORTANT! II. TO BE EFFECTIVE, SOUL WINNERS MUST POSSESS CERTAIN CHARACTERISTICS A. Soul winners must first be devoted followers of Christ (Matthew 4:18-20). B. Soul winners must have hearts of compassion (Matthew 9:36). C. Soul winners must maintain a positive outlook for the harvest (John 4:35). D. Soul winners must be willing to become all things to all men (1 Corinthians 9:19-23). E. Soul winners must have convictions about the eternal destiny of the soul. 1. Those who do not obey the Gospel will be lost (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9). 2. Those who fall away will be lost (2 Peter 2:20-22). III. WHAT INDIVIDUAL CHRISTIANS CAN DO TO BE SOUL WINNERS A. We can try teaching someone ourselves. B. We can invite someone to worship services. C. We can influence someone through good works (Matthew 5:16). D. We can try to persuade someone who has wandered away from the Lord to return to Him (James 5:19-20). E. By being faithful, wives can have a tremendous influence upon their husbands (1 Peter 3:1-2). F. Fathers can teach their children as Abraham did (Genesis 18:19; Ephesians 6:4). |