Jesus' Resurrection Proves That He Is God's Son (Romans 1:1-4)
1. The Bible provides a tremendous amount of evidence proving that Jesus is the Son of God. 2. In our lesson we are concentrating on the evidence mentioned in these verses: "Jesus' resurrection proves that He is God's Son." 3. Let us first point out that . . . Discussion: I. JESUS' RESURRECTION IS RECORDED IN ALL 4 GOSPEL ACCOUNTS
A. Matthew 28:1-8 B. Mark 16:1-8 C. Luke 24:1-12 D. John 20:1-10 E. After reading the inspired accounts of Jesus' resurrection, let us turn our attention to . . . II. SOME ADDITIONAL MATTERS THAT RELATE TO JESUS' RESURRECTION
A. (Matthew 27:62-66) An attempt was made to prevent the Lord's resurrection from occurring. B. (Matthew 28:11-15) The Jewish leaders bribed the soldiers who guarded the tomb. C. Despite these efforts to prevent and discredit the Lord's resurrection, many witnesses saw Him after His resurrection [the following is not a complete list]. 1. Jesus appeared first to Mary Magdalene (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18). 2. Jesus appeared to Cleopas and a companion (Luke 24:13-31). 3. Jesus appeared numerous times to the apostles during the 40-day period that followed His resurrection (Acts 1:1-3). 4. In addition to the apostles, Jesus appeared to others (1 Corinthians 15:5-8). Conclusion:
1. In our lessons we have studied a number of passages that teach us about the resurrection of Christ. 2. We have seen that: a. "Jesus' resurrection reflects the value of your soul" b. "Jesus' resurrection proves that He is God's Son."