Faith in the Gospels
1. To learn what God wants us to know about faith we must carefully study Hebrews 11. 2. This chapter: a. helps us understand what is involved in "living by faith" (Hebrews 10:38) b. tells us about a number of men and women from the Old Testament who serve as "a great cloud of witnesses," providing encouragement for Christians (Hebrews 12:1). 3. We can also learn important information about faith from the Gospel accounts. 4. In this lesson we are examining passages in Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that relate to faith. 5. By examining these passages we can learn some valuable information that will help us have the kind of faith the Lord wants us to have. Discussion: I. MATTHEW A. (6:28-30) Jesus mentioned "little faith" in connection with anxiety over things such as clothing. B. (8:23-26) The question Jesus asked His disciples in vs.26 indicates that fear is associated with "little faith." C. (14:25-31) The question Jesus asked Peter in vs.31 indicates that doubt is associated with "little faith." D. (16:5-12) The question Jesus asked the disciples in vs.8 indicates that a lack of understanding is associated with "little faith." E. (23:23) Jesus considered faith to be one of "the weightier matters of the law" that must not be overlooked. F. (15:21-28) Jesus commended the woman of Canaan for having "great faith." II. MARK A. (2:1-5) Jesus saw the faith of those who brought the man afflicted with palsy to Him. B. Let us remember that the Lord knows our faith (Revelation 2:18-19). III. LUKE A. (7:6-9) Jesus commended the centurion in Capernaum for having "great faith." B. (9:41) The question Jesus asked indicates that a generation can be "faithless and perverse." C. (18:8) Jesus asked a thought provoking question about finding faith on the earth when He returns. IV. JOHN A. (20:26-29) Jesus called upon Thomas not to be "faithless." B. (20:30-31) John recorded certain signs of Jesus to lead us to have faith in Him. |