The Psalms 03
Introduction: 1. We are presently studying a series of lessons from the Psalms. 2. Jesus indicated in Luke 24:44 that the Psalms are a part of God's inspired Word. 3. We need to study and meditate upon the Psalms because they "were written for our learning" (Romans 15:4). 4. In this lesson we are concentrating on the information revealed in Psalm 15. Discussion: I. GENERAL INFORMATION A. According to its title, David wrote this Psalm. 1. David is credited with writing 73 of the Psalms. 2. Because of his special ability to write and sing psalms, David was known as "the sweet psalmist of Israel" (2 Samuel 23:1). B. From a personal standpoint, David was aware that certain types of conduct: 1. please God (1 Samuel 18:14) 2. displease God (2 Samuel 11:27b). II. (vs.1) DAVID BEGAN THIS PSALM BY ASKING 2 QUESTIONS A. David asked: 1. "Lord, who shall abide in thy tabernacle?" 2. "Who shall dwell in thy holy hill?" B. At one time the Jews worshipped and communed with God in the tabernacle, and later they worshipped and communed with Him in Jerusalem, located on a hill. C. By asking these questions, David introduced the theme of this Psalm -- he showed how a person could have close communion with God. D. David used a similar method in Psalm 24:3-5. III. (vs.2-5a) DAVID DISCUSSED THE CONDUCT OF THOSE WHO HAVE CLOSE COMMUNION WITH GOD A. The principles addressed in Psalm 15 are similar to those presented in: 1. Psalm 1 a. In Psalm 1 "a righteous person" [one who has close communion with God] is described. b. A righteous person avoids sinful activities (vs.1), and he participates in activities that please God (vs.2). c. Such a person will be blessed (vs.3). 2. 1 John 1:5-7 a. John dealt with "how to have fellowship with God." b. To have fellowship with God: 1) we must not walk "in darkness" 2) we must walk "in the light." B. (Psalm 15:2-5a) For a person to have close communion with God he must: 1. walk "uprightly" [with integrity] 2. work "righteousness" (1 John 3:7) 3. speak "the truth in his heart" [be honest with himself] 4. avoid backbiting "with his tongue" (Matthew 12:35-37) 5. avoid doing "evil to" and taking "up a reproach against" his neighbor (Matthew 22:39) 6. despise the ways of "a vile person" (1 Corinthians 15:33) 7. honor those who "fear the Lord" 8. not alter his vows 9. not take advantage of other people (Matthew 7:12). C. (vs.5b) A person who abides by these guidelines will be blessed in that he "shall never be moved." |