Jesus Provides PeaceIntroduction:
1. At a very difficult time, Jesus provided peace to His apostles (John 14:27; 16:33). 2. After the tragedy that occurred Monday, perhaps this is a good time for us to be reminded of the information revealed in Philippians 4:4-9. a. These verses mention 2 special blessings that relate to peace. b. These verses teach us how to receive these blessings. c. These verses mention Paul's teaching and example. 3. Jesus continues to provide peace to those who apply this information. Discussion: I. THESE VERSES MENTION 2 SPECIAL BLESSINGS THAT RELATE TO "PEACE" A. The introduction to this letter (Philippians 1:1-2) shows that Paul wanted the Christians in Philippi to have "peace" from the Father and Christ. B. In ch.4 Paul assured the Christians in Philippi that: 1. "the peace of God" would keep their hearts and minds through Christ (vs.7) 2. "the God of peace" would be with them (vs.9b). C. We can have these blessings, but they are conditional (Colossians 3:15). II. THESE VERSES TEACH US HOW TO RECEIVE THESE SPECIAL BLESSINGS A. (vs.4) We are instructed to "rejoice:" a. "in the Lord" (3:1; Galatians 3:27) b. "always" [at all times]. 1. To receive the blessings mentioned in vs.7 & 9, we must rejoice in the Lord always. 2. This is something we are responsible for doing -- no one else can do it for us. B. (vs.5) We are to let our "moderation be known unto all men." 1. Moderation: a forbearing, gentle, patient spirit 2. This verse teaches us to practice "moderation" [forbearance] before others. 3. To motivate us to practice forbearance, we are reminded that "the Lord is at hand." 4. Since the Lord is near, we must: a. seek assistance from Him (Psalm 145:18-19) b. look to His example and imitate it. 5. To receive the blessings mentioned in vs.7 & 9, we must demonstrate a forbearing, gentle, and patient spirit toward all men. C. (vs.6) We are to "be careful [anxious] for nothing." 1. The alternative to anxiety is found in vs.6b (also see 1 Peter 5:7). 2. To receive the blessings mentioned in vs.7 & 9, we must avoid anxiety. D. (vs.8) We must think on the right things. 1. Think: to meditate, to let your mind dwell on, to carefully reflect upon 2. We learn from Proverbs 23:7 why we must think on the right things -- "as he thinketh in his heart, so is he." 3. If we meditate upon things that fall under these categories, what kind of people will we be? 4. To receive the blessings mentioned in vs.7 & 9, we must think on the right things. III. THESE VERSES MENTION PAUL'S TEACHING AND EXAMPLE A. (vs.9a) Paul instructed the Christians in Philippi to do what he had taught them and to follow his example. B. The example that Paul set in Philippi is seen in Acts 16:22-25. C. Did Paul rejoice in the Lord, did he practice forbearance, did he avoid being anxious, and did he think on the right things? D. Paul practiced what he preached, and Jesus gave Him peace. 1. "The peace of God" that surpasses all understanding kept his heart and mind. 2. "The God of peace" was with him. E. To receive the peace that Jesus provides, let us follow Paul's teaching and example. |