The Beatitudes Lesson 02
1. Last week we began a series of lessons on "the Beatitudes" that are listed in Matthew 5:3-12. 2. In our first lesson we considered some introductory matters. a. Jesus presented "the Beatitudes" at the beginning of His Sermon on the Mount. b. In "the Beatitudes" Jesus showed how people in different categories will be "blessed" [fortunate, well off, happy]. c. We normally think of a person being "blessed" when he receives something. d. The blessings that Jesus talked about are spiritual blessings that come from God: being a part of the kingdom of heaven, being comforted, inheriting the earth, being filled with righteousness, obtaining mercy, seeing God, and being called the children of God. e. In order to enjoy these blessings we must meet the Lord's requirements given in "the Beatitudes." 3. In this lesson we are considering some guidelines that relate to "the blessed life." Discussion: I. NEGATIVE GUIDELINES A. To be truly happy we must avoid the mistakes that are so prevalent in our society. B. Over the years people have searched for happiness in a variety of ways. C. However, we must avoid the mistakes that so many have made. 1. Solomon gave himself to "wine" [alcohol] (Ecclesiastes 2:3; Proverbs 23:29-35; 20:1). 2. David gave himself to promiscuous living (2 Samuel 11:2-5; 12:10-14; Psalm 51). 3. The prodigal son gave himself to "riotous living" (Luke 15:13). 4. The rich young ruler gave himself to his possessions (Luke 18:18-23). D. We must not confuse "pleasure" with "true happiness." II. POSITIVE GUIDELINES [from the Psalms] A. (Psalm 1:1-2) To be "blessed" we must avoid the ways of sinners and delight in God's Word. B. (Psalm 32:1-2) To be "blessed" we must receive forgiveness from God. C. (Psalm 84:12) To be "blessed" we must "trust in the Lord." D. (Psalm 112:1) To be "blessed" we must fear the Lord and delight greatly in His commandments. E. (Psalm 119:1-2) To be "blessed" we must seek the Lord and walk in His ways. F. (Psalm 128:1-2) To be "blessed" we must fear the Lord and walk in His ways. Conclusion: 1. In "the Beatitudes" the Lord shows us how we can be truly happy. 2. Let us avoid the mistakes of the people mentioned earlier. 3. From the verses noted in the Psalms, let us: a. avoid sin b. seek forgiveness from the Lord for the mistakes we have made c. trust in the Lord, fear the Lord, and seek the Lord d. comply with the Lord's commandments to the best of our ability. |