1.Last Sunday evening we showed from these verses that the way to achieve true greatness in the Lord's kingdom is through service. 2.In our lesson we are examining an occasion in each of the Gospel accounts in which various people received a blessing as a result of coming in contact with the Lord. 3.As we do so, we want to pay particular attention to the people involved. a.First, we will learn some things about the Lord (2 Peter 3:18). b.We will also learn some things about the "great servants" who brought their friends and loved ones to the Lord. 4.Let us begin by examining . . .
A.Jesus: 1.On this occasion,: a.Jesus cast demons out of many people with His word (ex: vs.28-32) b.Jesus healed all that were sick (ex: vs.14-15). 2.By casting out demons and healing the sick, Jesus fulfilled Isaiah 53:4. B.Great servants: 1.The great servants in these verses are simply called "they" (vs.16). 2.We do not know their names, and we do not read about any special recognition they received. 3.We do know that they had enough love and compassion in their hearts to bring their friends and loved ones to Jesus so He could bless them. 4.Do you suppose these people who: a.had been demon possessed appreciated what they did? b.were healed of their sicknesses considered them to be great servants?
A.Jesus: 1.On this occasion Jesus was on His way to Jerusalem where He would be crucified. 2.He was busy teaching God's Word and healing people. 3.While Jesus was maintaining a busy schedule, some "young children" ["infants" -- Luke 18:15] were brought to Him. 4.He took time from His busy schedule to hold these children and bless them. 5.Perhaps this will help us to appreciate the scene pictured in Isaiah 40:11. 6.Jesus also took advantage of this situation to teach His followers about entering God's kingdom (John 3:3, 5). B.Great servants: 1.The great servants in these verses are also simply called "they" (vs.13). 2.These people are not identified as such, but they may have been the parents of these children. 3.Those who brought the children to Jesus did not please His disciples. 4.However, Jesus was displeased with His disciples, and He was pleased that the children were brought to Him.
A.Jesus: 1.Jesus demonstrated His miraculous power by healing this man of palsy. 2.Jesus demonstrated something else -- He demonstrated His power to forgive sins. 3.By forgiving this man, Jesus showed that He is a member of the eternal Godhead because only God can forgive sins. B.Great servants: 1.The great servants in these verses are identified as "men" (vs.18). 2.We learn from Mark 2:3 that there were "four." 3.These 4 men had to overcome some obstacles. 4.The house was full, and they could not bring the man with palsy inside where Jesus was, so they let him down through the roof. 5.They demonstrated their faith in such a way that Jesus saw it. 6.They were persistent -- they found a way to bring the man to Jesus. 7.We know that the man who was healed glorified God (vs.25). 8.Do you suppose he considered the 4 men who let him down through the roof to be great servants?
A.Jesus: 1.These verses help us identify Jesus as "the Lamb of God" and "the Messiah." 2.We also see that Jesus recognized what Andrew's brother could become. B.A great servant: 1.The great servant on this occasion was Andrew. 2.John pointed Andrew to Christ, and Andrew brought his brother to Christ. 3.Peter was never the same after that meeting with Jesus -- he went on to accomplish great things on behalf of the Lord. 4.Do you suppose that Jesus was grateful that Andrew brought Simon to Him?
1.During His ministry, Jesus blessed many people because someone brought their friends and loved ones to Him. 2.Let us appreciate and apply the Lord's instructions in Matthew 20:26-28.