1.Psalm 145:18 mentions an important subject twice: "calling upon the Lord." 2.Before we study a number of passages that relate to "calling upon the Lord," let us make 2 observations from this verse. a.First, this verse supplies motivation for calling upon the Lord -- "He is near to all who call upon Him." b.Second, this verse shows that the Lord must be called upon "in truth." 1)This implies that it is possible to call upon the Lord in a way that is not in truth. 2)Since this is the case we need to study this subject carefully so we can comply with the Scriptures when we call upon the Lord. 3.Let us begin our study by determining . . .
A.To learn when this practice was begun, see Genesis 4:26b. B.Prior to this,: 1.(vs.1-8) Cain and Abel presented offerings to God, and Cain killed Abel 2.(vs.25) Adam and Eve had another son named Seth 3.(vs.26a) Seth had a son named Enos. C.At this point men began to call upon the name of the Lord. D.For our second point we need to show how . . .
A.It is extremely important for us to understand this. 1.If we misapply a passage that deals with calling upon the Lord, we can reach a false conclusion. 2.Remember: Psalm 145:18 shows that the Lord must be called upon "in truth." B.The Bible associates calling upon the Lord with: 1."worship" (Psalm 116:17) 2."asking the Lord for assistance during times of trouble" (Psalm 116:1-4) 3."being saved from sin" (Psalm 116:13). C.Passages that relate to calling upon the Lord can be misapplied. 1.To illustrate, Peter cried, "Lord, save me" (Matthew 14:30). 2.Was Peter calling upon the Lord? (yes) 3.Was Peter asking Jesus to save him from sin? 4.No, Peter was asking Jesus to help him -- he was sinking in the water. 5.Peter asked Jesus to save him from drowning. D.The Bible associates calling upon the Lord with "worship," "asking the Lord for assistance during times of trouble," and "being saved from sin." E.We must examine passages in their context to avoid misapplying them. F.We will spend the remainder of our time studying . . .
A.During His ministry Jesus taught that calling on Him includes obedience. 1.See Matthew 7:21; Luke 6:46 2.Remember: Psalm 145:18 emphasizes calling upon the Lord "in truth." 3.To call upon the Lord to be saved we must comply with His instructions. B.In Acts 2:16-21, Peter connected salvation with calling on the name of the Lord. 1.Peter was quoting a prophecy made many years earlier in Joel 2:28-32. 2.Joel's prophecy was finally being fulfilled on Pentecost. 3.What did Peter tell the people on Pentecost to do? (see Acts 2:37-38) 4.Salvation from sin is still available to those who call upon the Lord in this way. C.In Romans 10:12-13, Paul showed that everyone must call upon the Lord's name to be saved. 1.Joel, Peter, and Paul used the word "whosoever." 2.This includes everyone, regardless of ethnic or racial background. 3.We learn further from vs.14 that we must be taught about the Lord before we can call upon Him for salvation. D.In Acts 22:10-16, Ananias taught Saul how to call on the Lord's name so he could be saved [this is exactly what Saul did -- Acts 9:18b].
1.Do you believe that Jesus is God's Son? 2.Will you repent? 3.Will you confess your faith in Christ? 4.Will you be baptized [immersed] in water to receive remission of your sins? 5.By calling upon the Lord in this way you will be saved. 6.Then you can also call upon Him: a.as you worship b.when you need assistance during times of trouble (Hebrews 4:16). 7. Psalm 145:18