1. The Bible contains many illustrations of the principle revealed in Romans 8:28. 2. For example, Genesis shows how all things worked together for good in Joseph's life. 3. In this lesson we are examining the information presented in ch.44. 4. There are several things we must keep in mind as we study this chapter. a. The effects of a 7-year famine were widespread. 1) Egypt was not the only country affected. 2) The famine affected Jacob and his family in Canaan. b. Jacob sent 10 of his sons to Egypt to buy grain. 1) His sons had to deal with Joseph. 2) Joseph recognized his brothers, but they did not recognize him. c. By accusing his brothers of being spies, Joseph learned about Jacob and Benjamin. d. Joseph kept Simeon in prison until Benjamin could be brought to Egypt. 1) At first, Jacob refused to allow Benjamin to go to Egypt. 2) Eventually, the grain was used up, and Jacob sent his sons to Egypt to buy more grain. 3) Jacob finally agreed to let Benjamin go. e. Jacob's sons appeared before Joseph, and he invited them to lunch. f. Joseph had his brothers seated according to their ages, and Benjamin was given a much larger portion than the others. g. Although Joseph's brothers were afraid when he invited them to lunch, they enjoyed being with him (43:34b). Discussion: I. (vs.1-3) JOSEPH'S BROTHERS BEGAN THEIR JOURNEY BACK TO CANAAN
A. Joseph's brothers would be carrying grain back to Canaan. B. They had no reason to suspect that anything else would happen. 1. They enjoyed having lunch with Joseph. 2. Simeon had been released from prison. 3. Nothing had happened to Benjamin. C. Unknowingly, they would be carrying their money with them, and Benjamin would have Joseph's cup. II. (vs.4-6) JOSEPH SENT HIS STEWARD TO ACCUSE HIS BROTHERS OF STEALING HIS CUP
A. Joseph's brothers must have been relieved when they left safely. B. Joseph's steward overtook them and asked them why they had done something so evil as stealing his cup. III. (vs.7-12) THE CUP WAS FOUND IN BENJAMIN'S SACK
A. (vs.7-10) Joseph's brothers defended themselves. B. (vs.11-12) When the search was made, the cup was found in Benjamin's sack. IV. (vs.13-17) JOSEPH'S BROTHERS WERE UPSET, BUT THEY RETURNED TO EGYPT TO APPEAR BEFORE JOSEPH
A. When Joseph questioned his brothers, Judah stated that they would be his servants. B. (vs.17) Joseph stated that only Benjamin would remain in Egypt as his servant. C. The others were free to return to Canaan. D. Keep in mind that Judah had said he would be "surety" for Benjamin (43:8-9). V. (vs.18-34) JUDAH MADE A PASSIONATE APPEAL ON BEHALF OF BENJAMIN
A. (vs.18-29) Judah rehearsed everything that had happened with Joseph. B. (vs.30-31) Judah said that Jacob would die if Benjamin did not return. C. (vs.32-34) Judah asked Joseph to keep him as a servant instead of Benjamin.