1. In vs.19 Peter called upon the people in his audience to "be converted." 2. Peter also showed how conversion is a requirement for: a. having sins "blotted out" b. being prepared for the Lord's return. 3. Throughout the book of Acts, Luke wrote about a number of conversions that occurred. 4. In our lesson we are studying "2 examples of conversion" that occurred in Philippi (Acts 16). a. Lydia and her household were converted (vs.13-15). b. The jailer and his household were converted (vs.16-34).
A. After arriving in a city, Paul's custom was to visit the synagogue. B. However, in Philippi he went to a river outside the city where people gathered for prayer (vs.13a). 1. This indicates that no synagogue existed in Philippi. 2. It also gives an indication of Philippi's religious climate. 3. (vs.13b) Paul and his co-workers were given an opportunity to teach a group of women. C. (vs.14) One of the women who heard Paul was named Lydia. 1. Lydia was a businesswoman from Thyatira. 2. She worshipped God, but she was not a Christian. 3. She responded to Paul's teaching. D. (vs.15) When Lydia and her household were baptized, she showed hospitality to Paul and his co-workers. E. In addition to Lydia and her household, . . .
A. (vs.16-24) Paul and Silas were put in prison. 1. (vs.16-18) Paul cast a spirit out of a young woman. 2. (vs.19-24) The young woman's masters had Paul and Silas beaten and put in prison. B. (vs.25) In prison, Paul and Silas prayed and sang praises to God. C. (vs.26) A great earthquake occurred, and the prisoners were freed from their bands. D. (vs.27) The jailer assumed that the situation was hopeless. E. (vs.28) Paul assured him that the prisoners were all present. F. (vs.29-30) The jailer asked Paul and Silas what he needed to do to be saved. G. (vs.31) Paul and Silas told him what to do. H. (vs.32) Paul and Silas then taught him and his household "the word of the Lord" so they could believe on the Lord (Romans 10:17). I. (vs.33) The jailer and his household were baptized. J. (vs.34) He showed hospitality to Paul and Silas and rejoiced.
1. Convert: to turn, to turn to God from sin, a change that we must undergo to be in good standing with God. 2. Thankfully, we have these examples of conversion, as well as others, to help us understand what is involved in being converted.