1. In this chapter (vs.14-26) James wrote about the relationship between faith and works. 2. In order for faith to please God, it must be accompanied by works or actions (vs.17, 20, 24, 26). 3. According to vs.18, we demonstrate our faith by our actions. 4. In our lesson we are examining how several of God's people [from the Old and New Testaments] showed their faith through their actions. 5. We can receive a great amount of encouragement from these servants of God. 6. We must realize that we show our faith by our actions. Discussion: I. JOSEPH
A. See Genesis 39:7-12 B. He showed his faith when he refused to commit adultery with Potiphar's wife. II. DAVID
A. See 1 Samuel 17:44-48 B. He showed his faith when he accepted Goliath's challenge. III. SHADRACH, MESHACH, AND ABEDNEGO
A. See Daniel 3:13-18 B. They showed their faith when they refused to bow before the golden image. IV. DANIEL
A. See Daniel 6:6-10 B. He showed his faith by praying to God, even though it was illegal. V. SOME UNNAMED MEN
A. See Mark 2:1-5 B. These men showed their faith by coming into the Lord's presence. VI. STEPHEN
A. See Acts 7:54-60 B. He showed his faith by praying for his enemies who killed him. VII. PAUL AND SILAS
A. See Acts 16:22-25 B. They showed their faith in prison as they prayed and sang praises. Conclusion:
1. Like the writer of Hebrews, we could talk about many others who showed their faith by their actions (11:32-40). 2. Let us receive encouragement from faithful Bible characters as we keep our eyes focused on the Lord (Hebrews 12:1-2).