The ResurrectionIntroduction:
1. We are presently studying a number of Bible subjects that are associated with "final events." 2. Previously, we have examined passages that relate to: a. "the return of Christ" b. "the judgment." 3. In this lesson we are concentrating on "the resurrection." Discussion: I. THE RESURRECTION HAS BEEN A MISUNDERSTOOD BIBLE SUBJECT FOR MANY YEARS A. Confusion concerning the resurrection was demonstrated by: 1. the Sadducees who did not believe in the resurrection (Acts 23:8) 2. some members of the church in Corinth who said that "there is no resurrection of the dead" (1 Corinthians 15:12) 3. two false teachers, Hymenaeus and Philetus, who claimed that "the resurrection is past already" (2 Timothy 2:16-18). B. (Matthew 22:23-32) As Jesus answered a question asked by the Sadducees, He indicated that such confusion is a result of not knowing: 1. "the Scriptures" 2. "the power of God." C. Confusion concerning the resurrection can be cleared up by careful objective study of the Scriptures. II. THE BIBLE TEACHES THAT THE DEAD WILL BE RAISED A. John 5:25 B. Romans 8:11 C. 1 Corinthians 6:14 D. 2 Corinthians 4:14 III. WHEN WILL THE RESURRECTION OCCUR? A. The Scriptures teach that the resurrection will occur "at the last day." 1. John 6:39-40, 44, 54 2. John 11:24 B. The resurrection will precede the judgment that will occur when Jesus returns. 1. John 5:28-29 2. 1 Thessalonians 4:16 3. Revelation 20:12-13 IV. ADDITIONAL DETAILS RELATING TO THE RESURRECTION A. The resurrection will include "the just and the unjust" (Acts 24:14-15). B. From 1 Corinthians 15 we learn that: 1. there is no reason for hope if there is no resurrection (vs.13-19) 2. our hope of being raised from the dead is based on the Lord's resurrection (vs.20-23, 3-8) 3. the resurrected body will be a spiritual body that pleases God (vs.35-44). a. Matthew 22:30 b. Philippians 3:20-21 C. Looking forward to the resurrection should affect the way we live (Philippians 3:8-16). |