1. According to this verse, God considers children to be very special. 2. This evening we are concentrating on "a timely lesson for Mother's Day." 3. We are searching the Scriptures to determine when life begins so we will know how God feels about "abortion." Discussion: I. LET US EXAMINE PASSAGES FROM THE CREATION
A. God originally gave life to Adam and Eve through miraculous means (Genesis 1:27; 2:7, 21-22). B. After God created Adam and Eve through miraculous means, He provided natural means whereby other lives come into existence (Genesis 1:28a; 4:1). C. From the creation we learn how life began, and we know how life begins today, but at this point we do not know exactly when life begins. II. LET US EXAMINE PASSAGES FROM THE LAW OF MOSES
A. See Exodus 21:22-25 B. These verses deal with a situation in which a pregnant woman is injured and her baby is born prematurely. C. If "no mischief" followed, the man who injured her would pay a fine. D. However, if "any mischief" did follow, the man who injured her would be punished accordingly, even to the taking of his life. E. We learn from the Law of Moses that God showed His concern about the unborn, but we still do not know exactly when life begins. III. LET US EXAMINE PASSAGES THAT TELL ABOUT GOD'S SERVANTS
A. See Psalm 139:13-16 1. In this psalm, David showed how well God knew him. 2. No matter where he went, David was unable to escape God's presence. 3. David said that God even knew him when he was in his mother's womb. B. See Jeremiah 1:4-5 1. God ordained that Jeremiah would be a prophet before he was born. 2. According to vs.5a, who formed Jeremiah in his mother's womb? C. See Luke 1:39-44 1. John was called a "babe" [baby] when he was still in his mother's womb. 2. John had some awareness of what was taking place around him. 3. (Luke 2:12, 16) Jesus was called a "babe" after He was born. 4. The same word is translated "infants" in Luke 18:15. 5. Man considers a baby to be alive after it is born, but God used Dr. Luke to show that He considers a child to be alive while it is in the womb. Conclusion:
1. We conclude from the Scriptures that life begins at conception. 2. God considers the taking of an innocent life to be a serious offense. 3. In closing, it is difficult to imagine how much good has been accomplished because: a. Eve did not abort Seth (Genesis 4:25; Luke 3:38) b. Sarah did not abort Isaac (Genesis 21:1-3) c. Jochebed did not abort Moses (Exodus 6:20) d. Hannah did not abort Samuel (1 Samuel 1:20) e. Elizabeth did not abort John (Luke 1:57-60) f. Mary did not abort Jesus (Luke 2:4-7) g. Eunice did not abort Timothy (2 Timothy 1:5).