Everyone Knew That Ruth Was a Virtuous Woman (Ruth 3:11)
1. Boaz made the statement recorded in this verse, and he was speaking to Ruth. 2. Ruth was from Moab, and her husband Mahlon [an Israelite] had passed away. 3. Under the Law of Moses, Mahlon's next of kin was to marry Ruth. 4. Boaz was a near relative, and Ruth had told him that she wanted him to marry her. 5. Boaz's response is recorded in Ruth 3:11. a. Boaz first said that he would fulfill her request. b. He then indicated why he would marry her -- "the whole city knew that Ruth was a virtuous woman." c. The people of Bethlehem had observed her behavior and concluded that she was a woman of virtue. 6. In our lesson we are pointing out from Proverbs 31 how virtuous women can be identified today. Discussion: I. A VIRTUOUS WOMAN HAS A SPECIAL RELATIONSHIP WITH HER FAMILY
A. She has a special relationship with her husband. 1. She has the trust of her husband (vs.11). 2. She always treats him properly (vs.12). 3. She helps him to have a good reputation (vs.23). B. She also has a special relationship with her children -- she tends to their needs. 1. She sees that they are well-clothed (vs.21). 2. She looks well to all their needs (vs.27). C. In addition to having a special relationship with her family, . . . II. A VIRTUOUS WOMAN POSSESSES MANY GOOD QUALITIES
A. She is industrious in that: 1. she works with her hands (vs.13-14, 24) 2. she plants a vineyard (vs.16) 3. the quality of her workmanship is good, and she is not lazy (vs.18-19) 4. she is able to take care of her own needs (vs.22). B. She is diligent (vs.15). C. She is strong and honorable (vs.17, 25). D. She is also kind (vs.26). E. In addition to possessing many good qualities, . . .
1. The whole city of Bethlehem knew that Ruth was a virtuous woman. 2. The information presented in Proverbs 31 helps us identify virtuous women today. 3. A virtuous woman is a God-fearing woman who fulfills her responsibilities to God, to herself, to her husband, to her children, and to her fellow man. 4. May God richly bless all virtuous women, and may He help all of us to honor, respect, and appreciate them. 5. Virtuous women: a. are valuable (vs.10) b. deserve our praise (vs.28-31).