1. The 3rd section of Hebrews (ch.11-13) emphasizes "the superiority of the Christian faith." a. (ch.11) Faith is explained and illustrated. b. (ch.12) God's people are exhorted to persevere by: 1) running the race with "patience" (vs.1-3) 2) enduring God's chastening (vs.4-13) 3) following various instructions that relate to "perseverance" (vs.14-17), including: a) pursuing peace and holiness (vs.14) b) not coming short of God's grace (vs.15a) c) not being troubled and defiled by any root of bitterness (vs.15b) d) not being like Esau (vs.16-17) e) approaching Mount Zion that is superior to Mount Sinai (vs.18-24). 2. (vs.25-29) The Lord's people must not refuse Him who speaks. Discussion: I. (vs.25a) "SEE THAT YE REFUSE NOT HIM THAT SPEAKETH"
A. At one time God spoke through Moses, but today He speaks through Christ. B. We learn from Hebrews 3:1-6 that Moses was great, but Christ is far greater. C. Since Christ is so much greater than Moses we must not refuse Him (Colossians 3:16-17). II. (vs.25b) THERE IS NO ESCAPE FOR THOSE WHO REFUSE HIM (2:1-4; John 12:48) III. (vs.26) ONE DAY GOD WILL SPEAK AGAIN
A. When He spoke before, the earth shook. B. When He speaks again, the earth and heaven will shake. C. The Lord's voice will be heard when He returns (John 5:28-29; 1 Thessalonians 4:14-17). IV. (vs.27) WHEN GOD SPEAKS AGAIN THOSE THINGS THAT CANNOT BE SHAKEN WILL REMAIN WHILE OTHERS WILL BE REMOVED (2 Peter 3:3-10) V. (vs.28) ONE THING THAT CANNOT BE MOVED IS GOD'S KINGDOM
A. Christians are part of God's kingdom (Colossians 1:13). B. Since God's kingdom is everlasting, those who are in it should be motivated to "serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear" (see 2 Peter 3:11-14). VI. (vs.29) GOD WILL CONSUME THOSE WHO FAIL TO SERVE HIM FAITHFULLY (10:26-31)