Jesus Sings Praise in the Midst of the Church (Hebrews 2:9-12)
1. According to Matthew 18:20, Jesus is in the midst of those who gather together in His name. 2. In our lesson we are showing from the Scriptures that, not only is He present when we sing, but "Jesus sings praise in the midst of the church." 3. We are using Hebrews 2:9-12 as a foundation for our study. 4. To properly understand these verses, . . . Discussion: I. WE FIRST NEED TO EXAMINE PSALM 22:22
A. We need to do this because Hebrews 2:12 is a quotation of Psalm 22:22. B. David wrote this Psalm about 1000 BC. C. He wrote about the ways that he was mistreated when Saul was pursuing him. D. He also wrote about the ways that Jesus would be mistreated when He was crucified. 1. See vs.1a, vs.7-8, and vs.18. 2. Compare with Matthew 27:35, vs.39-43, and vs.46. E. Not only was David writing about his own experiences, but he was also writing about Jesus. F. Beginning at vs.22 of Psalm 22, attention turns to offering praise to God. G. Let us analyze Psalm 22:22. 1. "I will declare thy name." 2. "I will declare thy name unto my brethren." 3. "In the midst of the congregation will I praise thee." H. For our second point, we need to understand that . . . II. HEBREWS 2:12 APPLIES PSALM 22:22 TO JESUS
A. In the context, the writer has shown that Jesus is God's spokesman (1:1-2). B. In ch.1-2, the writer showed that Jesus is far superior to angels, who have also served as God's spokesmen. C. (2:9) Even though Jesus is superior to angels, He was made a little lower than the angels so He could suffer death on our behalf. D. (2:10) It was necessary for Jesus to die so He could bring "many sons unto glory." E. (2:11) The writer continued by mentioning the close relationship that Jesus has with His followers. F. (2:12) As the writer quotes Psalm 22:22, he is showing that Jesus declares God's name to His brethren and sings praise to God in the midst of the church. G. The Lord's brethren are identified in Matthew 12:46-50. H. Since Jesus is present when we sing in worship, let us again be reminded of several . . . III. NEW TESTAMENT PRINCIPLES THAT RELATE TO SINGING
A. 1 Corinthians 14:15 B. Ephesians 5:19 C. Colossians 3:16-17 Conclusion:
1. (Matthew 26:30) Jesus sang a hymn with His apostles, and He is present when we sing in worship today. 2. Let us always remember that the Lord is present when His followers gather together in His name. 3. This should motivate us to worship "in spirit and in truth" (John 4:24).