Keeping Ourselves unspotted from the world (Lesson 40)
1. According to James 1:27, "pure and undefiled religion before God" includes "keeping ourselves unspotted from the world." 2. In addition to teaching us to remain unspotted from the world, God has provided numerous instructions in His Word that will help us to do so. 3. In this lesson we are concentrating on the Lord's instruction in Matthew 5:9 for His followers to be "peacemakers." 4. To help us appreciate the seriousness of this subject, let us first show . . . Discussion: I. HOW GOD FEELS ABOUT "PEACE" AND "CONFLICT"
A. David showed how God feels about "peace" in Psalm 133. B. Solomon showed how God feels about "conflict" in Proverbs 6:16-19. C. When we understand how God feels about "peace" and "conflict," perhaps we can more fully appreciate why . . . II. CHRISTIANS ARE REPEATEDLY TAUGHT TO PURSUE "PEACE"
A. Romans 12:18 B. Romans 14:19 C. 1 Thessalonians 5:13b D. Hebrews 12:14 E. To help us understand what is involved in pursuing peace, let us consider . . . III. TWO BIBLE CHARACTERS WHO WERE PEACEMAKERS
A. Abraham was a peacemaker (Genesis 13:7-9). B. Isaac, Abraham's son, was also a peacemaker (Genesis 26:17-22). IV. THE NEW TESTAMENT CONTAINS SOME SPECIFIC INSTRUCTIONS FOR PEACEMAKERS
A. Ephesians 4:1-3 ["endeavor"] B. Philippians 2:1-4 [being considerate of others] C. Colossians 3:12-13 [Christ is our example] D. James 3:13-18 [pursue the right kind of wisdom] E. 1 Peter 3:10-11 [controlling the tongue] Conclusion:
1. Being a peacemaker is not always easy. 2. Being a peacemaker can sometimes be quite challenging, especially in the world we live in today. 3. However, those who make peace "shall be called the children of God."