1. The Scriptures illustrate the principle revealed in Romans 8:28 many times. 2. For example, Genesis shows how all things worked together for good in Joseph's life. 3. In this lesson we are examining the information presented in ch.46. 4. In this chapter, Jacob moved his family to Egypt where he was reunited with Joseph. 5. Prior to this,: a. Jacob sent his sons to Egypt twice to buy grain. b. When they went to Egypt the second time, Joseph finally made himself known to his brothers. c. Joseph told his brothers to bring Jacob and their families to Egypt so he could take care of them (45:9-11). d. When Jacob's sons first told him about Joseph, he did not believe them. e. Jacob changed his mind and determined to go to Egypt (45:27-28). Discussion: I. (vs.1-4) JACOB AND HIS FAMILY TRAVELED TO BEERSHEBA
A. (vs.1) At Beersheba, Jacob offered sacrifices to God. B. (vs.2-4) God spoke to Jacob. 1. God told Jacob to go to Egypt. a. Apparently, Jacob had some misgivings about going to Egypt. b. Canaan had been promised to him and his descendants. 2. God said He would go with Jacob and bless him, and his family would develop into a great nation of people. C. The promises God made to Abraham years earlier were being fulfilled. D. After God spoke to him, . . . II. (vs.5-7) JACOB MOVED HIS FAMILY, THEIR POSSESSIONS, AND THEIR ANIMALS TO EGYPT III. (vs.8-27) THE NAMES OF THOSE WHO WENT TO EGYPT ARE LISTED
A. Keep in mind that Jacob had children by 4 women: Leah, Zilpah, Rachel, and Bilhah. B. Jacob's descendants through: 1. Leah are listed (vs.8-15) 2. Zilpah are listed (vs.16-18) 3. Rachel are listed (vs.19-22) 4. Bilhah are listed (vs.23-25). C. (vs.26-27) According to this count, Jacob's family consisted of 70 people. IV. (vs.28-34) JACOB AND HIS FAMILY SETTLED IN GOSHEN
A. Goshen was where Joseph wanted his family to move (45:10). B. (vs.28) Jacob sent Judah ahead to bring Joseph to Goshen. C. (vs.29) Joseph traveled to Goshen where he met Jacob. D. (vs.30) After seeing Joseph, Jacob said he could die in peace [to appreciate this, we must remember how Jacob felt when he thought Joseph had been killed by an animal -- 37:34-35]. E. (vs.31-34) Joseph told his family how to answer Pharaoh's question about their occupation. 1. They were to inform Pharaoh that they tended animals. 2. This would lead Pharaoh to allow them to live in Goshen. 3. The Egyptians did not feel kindly to shepherds. a. People who tended animals may have had the reputation of being "cattle rustlers." b. The idea of sacrificing animals to God may have bothered the Egyptians. 4. By living in Goshen, Jacob's family would have been kept separate from many of the Egyptians.