James 5:13-15
1. Subjects previously covered in our study of James include: a. "facing temptations" (1:2-18) b. "hearing and doing the Word" (1:19-27) c. "respect of persons" (2:1-13) d. "faith and works" (2:14-26) e. "a warning for teachers" (3:1) f. "use of the tongue" (3:2-12) g. "true and false wisdom" (3:13-18) h. "strife among Christians" (4:1-10) i. "speaking evil of others" (4:11-12) j. "self-sufficiency" (4:13-17) k. "words of warning and reproof for the rich" (5:1-6) l. "patience" (5:7-11) m. "swearing" (5:12). 2. (5:13-15) James presented instructions that relate to "calling upon God." Discussion: I. (vs.13) GOD'S PEOPLE ARE TO CALL UPON HIM AT ALL TIMES A. (vs.13a) When suffering affliction, Christians are to call upon God through prayer. 1. Earlier, James showed how Christians are to: a. ask God for wisdom when facing affliction (1:2-5) b. be patient when afflicted (5:7-11). 2. Additional passages emphasize prayer during times of affliction. a. Philippians 4:6 b. 1 Peter 5:6-7 B. (vs.13b) When merry, Christians are to call upon God through singing psalms. 1. God's people have always enjoyed this blessing (Psalm 95:1-3; Psalm 100). 2. Christians are to continually offer praise to God (Hebrews 13:15). II. (vs.14-15) GOD'S PEOPLE ARE TO CALL UPON HIM DURING TIMES OF SICKNESS A. After showing how Christians are to call upon God when afflicted in general, James dealt with a specific type of affliction -- physical illness. 1. Those who are sick are to call for the elders of the church. 2. The elders are to pray on behalf of those who are sick. 3. James continued by giving instructions that must be studied in connection with other passages to prevent misapplying them. a. James stated that the elders were to anoint the sick person with oil in the Lord's name. b. The prayer of faith would save the sick person, and the Lord would raise him up. c. The sick person would also receive forgiveness. B. Let us consider several principles that relate to miraculous healing. 1. The apostles could pass on the ability to exercise spiritual gifts by laying their hands on Christians (Acts 8:14-17; Acts 19:6-7). 2. Miraculous healing was one of the spiritual gifts given by the laying on of the apostles' hands (1 Corinthians 12:8-10). 3. Anointing with oil sometimes accompanied miraculous healing (Mark 6:12-13). 4. Spiritual gifts would end (1 Corinthians 13:8-10). 5. Forgiveness involves repentance (Acts 8:22) and confession (1 John 1:9). Conclusion: 1. Calling upon God is a great privilege and blessing for His children. 2. Let us call upon Him through: a. prayer when we are afflicted b. singing when we are merry. |