1. We are studying a number of Bible subjects that are associated with "final events." 2. We have examined passages that relate to 3 important events: "the return of Christ," "the judgment," and "the resurrection." 3. The subjects associated with final events also include several important places. 4. In our last lesson we covered key verses that relate to "Hades" [the place where spirits go after death to await the resurrection and the judgment]. a. The souls of the righteous receive comfort in "Paradise" while awaiting the resurrection. b. The souls of the unrighteous await the resurrection in "torments." c. At the resurrection, "Hades" will deliver up the dead in it (Revelation 20:13). 5. At the judgment each person will receive either eternal blessing in a place called "heaven" or eternal punishment in a place called "hell" (Matthew 25:31-33, 34, 41, 46). 6. This lesson is a study of "heaven," the place of eternal blessing. Discussion: I. THE BIBLE DESCRIBES HEAVEN AS A BEAUTIFUL PLACE A. According to John 14:1-3, Jesus has gone there to prepare a place for His followers. B. Heaven will be prepared in such a way that: 1. certain things will not be there (Revelation 21:1-4, 23-27) 2. certain things will be there (Revelation 22:1-2; 14:13). C. Jesus referred to heaven as "life eternal" (Matthew 25:46). D. This eternal life has been promised by God (Titus 1:2; 1 John 2:25). II. THE BIBLE REVEALS WHO WILL BE IN HEAVEN A. God is there (John 14:2; Matthew 6:9). B. We learn from Revelation 21:27 that those whose names are in the book of life will be permitted to enter heaven, including: 1. the saved (Revelation 21:24) 2. the obedient (Revelation 22:14) 3. the faithful (Revelation 2:10) 4. those who have sown to the Spirit (Galatians 6:8; 5:22-23) 5. those who have been "in the Lord" (1 Thessalonians 4:14-17). C. Unfortunately, "few" will pay the price to go to heaven (Matthew 7:13-14). D. Those who do "shall reign for ever and ever" (Revelation 22:5). |