The Psalms 09
Introduction: 1. We are presently studying a series of lessons from the Psalms. 2. The Psalms deserve our careful attention because: a. they are part of the Old Testament Scriptures (Luke 24:44) b. they "were written for our learning" (Romans 15:4). 3. In this lesson we are examining the information presented in Psalm 56. 4. Although the title is not inspired, it suggests that David wrote this psalm "when the Philistines took him in Gath." 5. If this is accurate, David was facing difficult circumstances. a. David had been anointed as Israel's king (1 Samuel 16:13). b. Even though God chose him to be king, David had a number of enemies. 1) David defeated Goliath, the champion of the Philistines (1 Samuel 17:50-53). 2) Saul wanted to kill David (1 Samuel 18:5-11). 3) David and his men killed 200 Philistines so he could have Saul's daughter as his wife (1 Samuel 18:25-27). 4) Saul's hatred for David grew (1 Samuel 18:28-29). 5) David continued fighting against the Philistines (1 Samuel 19:8). 6) Saul made other attempts to kill David (1 Samuel 19:9-12). c. David fled from Saul (1 Samuel 19:18; 20:1). d. As he fled from Saul, David went to Gath [the home of Goliath--1 Samuel 17:4] where he pretended to be mad (1 Samuel 21:10-15). e. David escaped and was joined by his family (1 Samuel 22:1). f. David's troubles could have overwhelmed him; however, he never lost his faith in God. 6. This information helps us understand the setting for Psalm 56. Discussion: I. DAVID MADE 3 REQUESTS OF GOD A. David asked God for "mercy" (vs.1a). B. David asked God to "cast down the people" (vs.7). C. David asked God to put his tears in a bottle (vs.8). II. DAVID MADE THESE REQUESTS BECAUSE HIS ENEMIES AFFLICTED HIM DAILY A. vs.1b B. vs.2 C. vs.5 D. vs.6 III. DAVID WAS CONFIDENT THAT GOD WOULD PROTECT HIM A. vs.3 B. vs.4 C. vs.9 D. vs.11 E. vs.13 IV. DAVID PRAISED GOD FOR HIS CARE AND PROTECTION A. vs.10 B. vs.12 |