1. When Jesus made this statement He was answering a question that His disciples asked. 2. We learn from John 8:59 that Jesus left the temple when the Jews attempted to stone Him. 3. According to John 9:1, as the Lord passed by He saw a man born blind. 4. In vs.2 the disciples asked Jesus a question about who was responsible for the man's blindness. 5. Jesus stated in vs.3 that the man's blindness: a. was not caused by anyone's sin b. provided Him with an opportunity to do God's work. 6. As Jesus continued in vs.4, He showed why He was compelled to give this man his sight. 7. During His ministry Jesus took advantage of opportunities to do the work that God sent Him to do. 8. In our lesson we are examining several passages that teach us to work while it is day [night is coming when no one can work].
A. (vs.9a) We must not become weary in doing the Lord's work. B. (vs.9b) If we do not faint we will reap a great reward in due season. C. (vs.10) Let us follow the Lord's example and take advantage of opportunities to do good.
A. Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, stands out as one who took advantage of opportunities that were presented to her. 1. In Luke 10:38-42 Jesus commended Mary for choosing to hear His Word. 2. In John 12:1-8 Jesus also commended Mary for placing expensive ointment on Him shortly before He was crucified [see Mark 14:6-9]. 3. Through her example Mary illustrated what is involved in: a. working while it is day b. taking advantage of opportunities to do good. B. Some other women missed the opportunities that were presented to them. 1. We have seen that Martha was more concerned with serving her guests than listening to the Lord. 2. Several ladies waited and missed out on an opportunity to place ointment on the Lord. a. Some women intended to anoint the Lord's body after He was buried, but they were unable to do so because He was raised (Luke 23:55-56; 24:1-3). b. These ladies are identified in Mark 16:1.
1. Let us remember and practice the instructions given in Galatians 6:9-10. 2. Let us also follow the examples of Jesus and Mary and work while it is day because night is coming when no one can work.