1. These verses tell us about an event that took place near the end of the Lord's ministry -- some people wanted to see Jesus. 2. Studying these passages should lead us to develop this philosophy as we serve the Lord: "let us help people to see Jesus." 3. Let us begin our study by looking at . . .
A. (John 11:1-44) Jesus had raised Lazarus from the grave, and many people believed on the Lord (vs.45). B. (John 11:55) Multitudes of people were in Jerusalem for Passover. C. Jesus was receiving a great amount of attention. 1. See John 12:9 2. (John 12:12-13) Jesus received a great welcome when He rode into Jerusalem. D. The statement of the Pharisees in John 12:19 leads us to conclude that much was being said about Jesus at that time.
A. (vs.20) Some Greeks had gone to Jerusalem. 1. These were Gentile people who had gone to Jerusalem for Passover. 2. The Law of Moses made provision for Gentiles to be converted to the Jewish religion (Exodus 12:48-49) -- such people are commonly called "proselytes." B. (vs.21) These Greeks came to Philip with a request. 1. Philip was one of the Lord's apostles. 2. The Greeks said to Philip, "Sir, we would see Jesus." 3. Perhaps these Greeks had heard about Jesus and the things that had happened -- they wanted to see the Lord. C. (vs.22) The responses of Philip and Andrew deserve our attention. 1. When we are first introduced to Philip and Andrew, we see that they were able to bring others to the Lord. a. Andrew brought Peter to the Lord (John 1:40-42). b. Philip brought Nathanael to Jesus (John 1:43-49). 2. For some reason, Philip and Andrew did not take the Greeks to Jesus. 3. Philip told Andrew. 4. Andrew and Philip told Jesus. 5. We don't know if these Greeks were ever able to see the Lord.
A. We may not realize it, but there are people today like the Greeks -- they are looking for someone to help them "see Jesus" (see John 4:35b). B. As the Lord's followers, we are responsible for helping such people to see Him. C. We may only get one opportunity to help people see Jesus. 1. We must always be prepared for such an opportunity. 2. We must take advantage of such opportunities. D. Let us strive to be like Philip the evangelist who helped the eunuch to see Jesus from the Scriptures (Acts 8:35-38).
1. In John 8:12 Jesus identified Himself as "the light of the world." 2. He also taught in Matthew 5:14-16 that His followers are "the light of the world." 3. Let us allow our lights to shine so others will see Christ in us. 4. To help others see Jesus in us, let us: a. continually grow in our knowledge of Him (2 Peter 3:18) b. follow His instructions and imitate His example to the best of our ability.