Introduction: 1. In Acts 27-28 we read about Paul's journey from Caesarea to Rome. 2. He was going to Rome as a prisoner on a ship with 276 passengers. 3. During this trip a violent storm arose, and, according to vs.20, there was no hope that anyone would be saved. 4. Vs.30 informs us that the sailors wanted to abandon ship, but Paul issued a warning in vs.31 that they had to remain in the ship to be saved. 5. Luke continued in vs.41-44 by showing that the ship was eventually broken apart by the storm, but every passenger escaped safely to land. 6. In our lesson are giving special attention to Paul's statement recorded in vs.31: "Except these abide in the ship, ye cannot be saved." 7. We are emphasizing the point that, even though some men wanted to leave the ship, they had to remain in the ship for their lives to be spared. 8. Before we make a spiritual application, let us first consider…
A. Noah and his family were saved from the flood because they were inside the ark that provided safety (Genesis 7:13-14, 23). 1. Every one else perished in the flood. 2. Would it have made any sense for Noah and his loved ones to leave the ark before the flood was over? B. We can learn a valuable lesson from Peter (Matthew 14:22-32). 1. After feeding the 5,000 Jesus told the disciples to sail to the other side of the Sea of Galilee. 2. The wind was blowing contrary to the direction the disciples wanted to go. 3. When Jesus walked to them on the sea, Peter wanted to go to Him. 4. For some reason, Peter thought he would be better off outside the ship, but his faith was not sufficient to save him. 5. Peter began to sink, and he cried for Jesus to save him. 6. Jesus saved Peter, and they got into the ship. 7. For a while Peter walked on the water, but he almost drowned because he left the ship. C. After considering these 2 occasions when safety was found in a ship, we are ready to make a spiritual application from the verses we read in Acts 27.
A. First, a person must enter the church. 1. A person enters the church when the Lord adds him to it (Acts 2:47). 2. This occurs when he is saved [we learn how to be saved in Acts 2:38]. B. After entering the church, we must remain in it to be saved (Revelation 2:8-11). 1. Terrible storms may arise, but God's children must remain in the church. 2. Even if hope begins to fade, we must remain faithful to the Lord in His church. 3. By trusting in his own wisdom man might think that he will be better off outside the church, but this wisdom is not from God. C. Let us consider several reasons for remaining in the church. 1. (Ephesians 1:22-23) The church is the body of Christ, "the fulness of Him, that filleth all in all." 2. (Ephesians 5:25) Jesus loved the church so much that He gave Himself for it. 3. (1 Corinthians 15:24) At the end of time, Christ will deliver up the kingdom to the Father.
1. Satan tries to get Christians to forsake the church, but he must be resisted (James 4:7). 2. If a person forsakes the church, we learn from Simon (Acts 8), Peter (Matthew 14), and the prodigal son (Luke 15) that he can be restored.