Conversions in Acts "The 3,000 on Pentecost" (Acts 2)
Introduction: 1.After His resurrection, Jesus gave the Great Commission to the apostles (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:45-47). 2.The book of Acts shows how the apostles carried out their mission. 3.The book of Acts also tells about a number of conversions that occurred as the Great Commission was fulfilled. 4.Studying these conversions will help us understand how we become Christians today. 5.In Acts 2, Luke wrote about 3,000 people who became Christians on Pentecost. Discussion: I.(vs.1-21) THEAPOSTLESWEREFILLEDWITHTHEHOLYSPIRIT
A.Earlier,: 1.Jesus had said that this would occur (Acts 1:1-5) 2.the apostles returned to Jerusalem to wait for this promise to be fulfilled (Acts 1:12). B.(vs.1-4) The apostles were filled with the Holy Spirit. 1.This occurred on Pentecost. 2.The apostles were able to speak in other languages. C.(vs.5-11) Luke showed why the apostles needed to speak in other languages. D.(vs.12-13) Reactions varied. E.(vs.14-21) Peter responded by showing what was taking place. 1.The fact that Peter was the main spokesman is significant (Matthew 16:18-19). 2.He first denied that the apostles were drunk. 3.He showed that a prophecy made many years earlier was being fulfilled (Joel 2:28-32). II.(vs.22-36) PETER TALKEDTOTHEAUDIENCEABOUTJESUS
A.(vs.22) Jesus' miracles showed that He had God's approval (John 3:2). B.(vs.23) Even though Jesus had God's approval, the Jews had murdered Him. C.(vs.24) Jesus had been raised from the dead. D.(vs.25-31) Peter showed why it was not possible for Jesus to remain in the tomb. 1.(vs.25-28) Peter quoted Psalm 16:8-11, written about 1,000 years earlier by David. 2.(vs.29-31) Peter explained that David had prophesied about Jesus' resurrection. E.(vs.32) The apostles were witnesses of Jesus' resurrection (1 Corinthians 15:3-8). F.(vs.33-35) Peter showed that Jesus had gone to heaven to be at the Father's right hand. G.(vs.36) Peter concluded by stating that Jesus is "both Lord and Christ." III.(vs.37-41) ABOUT3,000PEOPLEBECAMECHRISTIANS
A.(vs.37) The people in the audience asked what they needed to do. B.(vs.38-40) Peter told them what to do. C.(vs.41) About 3,000 people "gladly received his word" and "were baptized."
A.(vs.42) It was a steadfast congregation. B.(vs.43) It was a fearful congregation. C.(vs.44-46) It was a united congregation. D.(vs.47a) It was a respected congregation. E.(vs.47b) It was a growing congregation.