1. Hebrews was written to encourage the Lord's people to remain faithful to Him. 2. Ch.13 contains a number of instructions that promote faithfulness, especially during times of affliction. a. (vs.1-3) We are to show love and hospitality to others. b. (vs.4) We must be faithful to our spouses and remain morally pure. c. (vs.5-6) We must not be covetous -- we are to be content. 3. (vs.7) Departed Christian leaders are to be remembered. 4. (vs.8-9) Christ's example of steadfastness is to be followed.
A. Remember: to call to mind, to be mindful of, to think of and feel for a person or thing. 1. "Remembering" can be a source of encouragement or discouragement. a. Remembering the right things will help us during times of discouragement (10:32-34). 1) Remembering the wrong things will cause us to grow more discouraged. 2) This is why we must think on the right things (Philippians 4:8). b. Remembering the right people will help us during times of discouragement (ch.11). 1) Remembering the wrong people will cause us to grow more discouraged. 2) This is why we must remember the right people (2 Timothy 1:3-5). 2. Remembering the right things and the right people will help us overcome discouragement so we can remain faithful to the Lord. B. "Those who have the rule" are to be remembered. 1. Those who rule are the leaders of the church. 2. The leaders in vs.7 are those who had spoken God's Word, including: a. Peter and John (Acts 4:1-4, 13-21) b. the apostles (Acts 5:27-33, 40-42) c. Stephen (Acts 6:8-15; 7:54-60) d. James (Acts 12:1-2). C. In addition to remembering departed Christian leaders, we are to: 1. "follow" [imitate] their faith 2. consider the end of their "conversation" [conduct].
A. (vs.8) Christ is our example of steadfastness because: 1. He was the same yesterday 2. He is the same today 3. He will be the same forever. B. Christians are to be steadfast. 1. We are not to be carried about by various and strange doctrines (Ephesians 4:14). 2. Rather, our hearts are to be established with grace. 3. Our hearts are not to be established with the eating of certain meats. a. This was part of the Law of Moses. b. This is not a part of Christianity (1 Timothy 4:4-5). 4. Christ is a much greater source of encouragement than the law was.