1. These verses deal with an important relationship that needs a lot of attention today: "the father-child relationship." 2. God is the Creator of this relationship, and He has given responsibilities to everyone involved. a. God has revealed His will for children in Ephesians 6:1-3. b. God has revealed His will for fathers in Ephesians 6:4. 3. In our lesson we are studying a number of passages that tell us about Abraham and his son Isaac. 4. We will see that "Abraham taught Isaac well." 5. Abraham set a great example for fathers in that he brought up Isaac "in the nurture and admonition of the Lord." 6. The first point we need to make is that . . .
A. The Lord had just informed Abraham that he and Sarah would have a son. B. The Lord informed Abraham about His plan to inspect the wickedness of Sodom. C. The Lord's special knowledge of Abraham is revealed in vs.19. D. With this information before us, let us turn our attention to the occasion when God tested Abraham's faith (Genesis 22:1-14). E. The second main point we are making is that . . .
A. As Abraham's faith was tested, he taught Isaac 3 practical lessons. 1. Abraham taught Isaac to fear God (vs.12; Ecclesiastes 12:13-14). 2. Abraham taught Isaac to trust God (Hebrews 11:17-19). 3. Abraham taught Isaac that faith includes obedience (James 2:21-24). B. As Abraham’s faith was tested, he also taught Isaac 5 important lessons about "worship." 1. Abraham taught Isaac that God dictates the manner in which He is to be worshipped. a. God told Abraham what to do in vs.2. b. Abraham did not object, and he did not tell God what he was willing to do. c. One item of acceptable worship is worshipping "in truth" (John 4:24). 2. Abraham taught Isaac that God does not accept substitutes in worship. a. Even though he was over 100 years old, Abraham did not pass on his responsibilities to Sarah or his servants. b. Furthermore, Abraham did not try to offer Ishmael instead of Isaac. c. God does not accept substitute forms of worship. 3. Abraham taught Isaac that worshipping God involves paying a price. a. Abraham gave up something when he offered animals to God. b. Offering Isaac involved paying a much higher price. c. David made a statement about the price of worship in 2 Samuel 24:24. 4. Abraham taught Isaac to take worship seriously. a. Worship is not a time for entertainment. b. Another item of acceptable worship is worshipping "in spirit" (John 4:24). 5. Abraham taught Isaac that worship is accompanied by a blessing (vs.15-18).
1. Abraham helps us to understand and appreciate the serious responsibility that God has given to fathers (Ephesians 6:4). 2. Abraham was a great father to Isaac, and we can become his spiritual descendants today (Galatians 3:26-29).