1.In Ephesians 4:6 the Bible says that there is "one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all." 2.We can know that God exists by observing the objects He has created. 3.However, to know about God's nature, His will, and the blessings He provides, we must turn to His Word that He has revealed. 4.This evening we are concentrating on the message presented in Psalm 46. 5.This psalm emphasizes the fact that "God is our refuge."
A.This statement is made: 1.at the beginning (vs.1a) 2.in the middle (vs.7b) 3.at the conclusion (vs.11b). B.This point is made numerous times throughout the Psalms. 1.9:9 2.62:7-8 3.142:4-5 C.In addition to stating that "God is our refuge," Psalm 46 identifies God as: 1.our "strength" (vs.1b) 2."a very present help in trouble" (vs.1c).
A.Natural calamities such as those listed in vs.2b-3 can cause us to fear. B.However, God provides: 1.peace (vs.4) 2.security (vs.5). C.The ungodly activities of men such as those listed in vs.6a can cause us to fear. D.However, God remains in control (vs.9).
A."Trouble" can lead to "fear," and "fear" can prevent us from taking advantage of the "refuge" that God provides. B.During times of "trouble," let us: 1.remember that "the Lord of hosts [the God of Jacob]" is with us (vs.7, 11) 2."behold the works of the Lord" (vs.8; Psalm 124) 3."be still" and know God (vs.10a) 4.always exalt God (vs.10b).
1.I hope that today's lessons have helped us to grow in our knowledge of the "one God and Father of all" who is mentioned in Ephesians 4:6. 2.Have you become His child?