Conversions in Acts "The Eunuch of Ethiopia" (Acts 8:26-39)
Introduction: 1.Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave the Great Commission to the apostles (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:45-47). 2.The specific plan for carrying out this mission is revealed in Acts 1:8. 3.As Luke showed how this mission was fulfilled in Acts, he also wrote about a number of conversions that occurred. 4.Studying these conversions will help us understand how we become Christians today. 5.Previously, we have examined: 3,000 people were converted in Jerusalem on Pentecost (Acts 2) many people in Samaria were converted (Acts 8:5-25). 6.In Acts 8:26-39, Luke wrote about the conversion of the eunuch of Ethiopia. Discussion:
A.(vs.26) Philip was instructed to go south. 1.Philip had been a servant of the church in Jerusalem (Acts 6:5-6). 2.Because of persecution, Philip left Jerusalem and traveled north to Samaria (Acts 8:1-5). 3.Philip enjoyed great success in Samaria (Acts 8:6-12). 4.After the Christians in Samaria received the Holy Spirit, an angel directed Philip to go to a deserted area between Jerusalem and Gaza. B.(vs.27-29) Philip met the eunuch from Ethiopia. 1.(vs.27a) Philip followed the angel's instruction. 2.(vs.27b-28a) A man from Ethiopia was traveling in the area where Philip had been directed to go. 3.This man: a.had great authority--he was in charge of the queen's treasure b.was religious--he was returning to Ethiopia after worshipping in Jerusalem. 4.The Law of Moses: a.made provision for a person to be converted to the Jewish religion (Exodus 12:48-49) b.required male Jews to worship in Jerusalem three times each year (Deuteronomy 16:16-17) c.did not allow eunuchs to enter the congregation (Deuteronomy 23:1). 5.(vs.28b) The eunuch was reading from Isaiah's writings. 6.(vs.29) The Spirit instructed Philip to contact the eunuch.
A.(vs.30-31) The eunuch needed guidance so he could understand the Scriptures he read. B.(vs.32-33) He was reading Isaiah's prophecy of Jesus' suffering (Isaiah 53:7-8). C.(vs.34) The eunuch wanted to know who Isaiah wrote about. D.(vs.35) Philip preached Jesus to the eunuch (vs.5, 12). III.(vs.36-39) THEEUNUCHWASBAPTIZED
A.(vs.36) When they came to a body of water, the eunuch wanted to be baptized. B.(vs.37) Philip said that he could be baptized if he believed that Jesus is God's Son. C.(vs.38) Philip baptized the eunuch. D.(vs.39) Following his baptism, the eunuch "went on his way rejoicing." Conclusion:
1.From the eunuch's conversion we see how a person becomes a Christian. 2.We also see the Gospel being carried to "all nations."