1. The principle revealed in Romans 8:28 is illustrated many times in the Bible, including both the Old and New Testaments. 2. In this lesson we are studying an occasion when all things worked together for good in the life of the apostle Paul, the man who wrote this special passage. 3. We are examining the events that occurred in Philippi (Acts 16:9-40). 4. Before we do so, we need to point out that . . . Discussion: I. SEVERAL IMPORTANT EVENTS TOOK PLACE EARLIER
A. Paul and Barnabas completed their missionary journey (Acts 13-14). B. Paul and Barnabas went to Jerusalem where dissension over the conversion of Gentiles was settled (Acts 15:1-35). C. Paul and Barnabas parted company (Acts 15:36-41). D. Timothy joined Paul's company (Acts 16:1-8). E. Let us turn our attention to the way that . . . II. ALL THINGS WORKED TOGETHER FOR GOOD IN PHILIPPI (Acts 16:9-40)
A. (vs.9-12) Paul went to Philippi after receiving "the Macedonian call" in Troas. B. (vs.13-15) Paul came in contact with Lydia, and she and her household became Christians. C. (vs.16-24) After Paul cast a spirit out of a young woman, he and Silas were put in prison. D. (vs.25-34) An earthquake gave Paul and Silas an opportunity to teach the jailer, and he and his household became Christians. E. (vs.35-40) After visiting Lydia, Paul and his companions left Philippi. Conclusion:
1. The congregation in Philippi provided financial support for Paul as he carried out the Lord's work (Philippians 4:15-16). 2. Paul's letter to the church in Philippi continues to be a blessing for God's people today.