Esther 06
1. Review of ch.1-5: a. (ch.1) Ahasuerus, king of Persia, removed Vashti from being queen. b. (ch.2) Esther, a beautiful young Jewish woman, was chosen to be the new queen. c. (ch.3) Haman devised a plot to destroy the Jews, and it was made an official law. d. (ch.4) Mordecai involved Esther in the situation that had developed. e. (ch.5) Esther asked the king and Haman to attend a banquet she had prepared, and, at the banquet, she asked them to attend another one the following day. 2. In ch.6 we read about several events that occurred between the two banquets. Discussion: I. (vs.1-3) THE KING WAS REMINDED OF MORDECAI'S GOOD DEED A. (vs.1) When the king could not sleep, he had his book of records read to him. B. (vs.2) The record of Mordecai's good deed was read to the king. 1. (2:21) Two of the king's chamberlains had plotted to kill him. 2. (2:22) Mordecai reported this information to Esther, and she informed the king. 3. (2:23a) After an investigation the men were executed. 4. (2:23b) This incident was recorded in the king's book of chronicles. C. (vs.3) The king learned that Mordecai had not been rewarded for his good deed. II. (vs.4-5) HAMAN APPROACHED THE KING A. (vs.4) Haman desired to speak to the king about hanging Mordecai (5:14). B. (vs.5) The king allowed Haman to enter. C. Before Haman could speak to the king, . . . III. (vs.6) THE KING ASKED HAMAN FOR ADVICE A. The king asked Haman what he should do for the man he wanted to honor. B. The king wanted to honor Mordecai for his good deed. C. However, Haman thought that the king wanted to honor him. IV. (vs.7-9) HAMAN OFFERED A SUGGESTION FOR WHAT SHOULD BE DONE TO THE MAN UNDER CONSIDERATION V. (vs.10) THE KING INSTRUCTED HAMAN TO TREAT MORDECAI AS HE HAD SUGGESTED VI. (vs.11) HAMAN DID FOR MORDECAI WHAT HE THOUGHT WOULD BE DONE FOR HIM VII. (vs.12) HAMAN BECAME VERY UPSET VIII. (vs.13) HAMAN'S WIFE AND FRIENDS ASSURED HIM THAT HE WOULD FALL BEFORE MORDECAI IX. (vs.14) HAMAN WAS TAKEN TO THE BANQUET ESTHER HAD PREPARED Conclusion: 1. Haman helps us to better understand a number of passages, including Proverbs 10:18; 26:20-28; Matthew 7:12; Galatians 6:7. 2. Haman was humiliated in ch.6, but he suffered a worse fate in ch.7. |