1. In Matthew 7:7-11 Jesus gave His assurance that God will grant the requests made by His children. 2. He made this point in vs.7, and He repeated it in vs.8 with emphasis. 3. In vs.9-11 He used the father-child relationship to illustrate His point. 4. According to vs.7-8, we have certain responsibilities as we make our requests to God. a. We are to "ask" [indicates dependence upon God]. b. We are to "seek" [indicates that we have a role to play]. c. We are to "knock" [indicates persistence]. 5. We especially need to be mindful of these responsibilities as we search for a more permanent meeting place. 6. Last Sunday's lesson was based on the Lord's statement, "Ask, and it shall be given you." 7. Today we are concentrating on His statement, "Seek, and ye shall find." 8. We are examining several passages that explain what is involved in "seeking." 9. Before we do so, let us be reminded of . . .
A. We are to ask: 1. "believing" (Matthew 21:22) 2. "in Jesus' name" (John 16:23) 3. "with proper motives" (James 4:3) 4. "fervently" while being "right with God" (James 5:16; 1 Peter 3:12) 5. "according to God's will" (1 John 5:14-15). B. Let us turn our attention to a number of . . .
A. Jesus illustrated what is involved in "seeking" [searching for something in order to find it] in 2 of His parables. 1. "The parable of the pearl of great price" (Matthew 13:45-46) a. This was when Jesus taught only through parables (vs.34-35). b. In this parable Jesus showed how valuable the kingdom of heaven is -- it is worth whatever price we have to pay to be members of it. c. This parable involved a merchant man who was "seeking" goodly pearls. d. He knew what he was looking for, and he intended to find it. e. In his search he found one pearl that was very valuable. f. He sold everything he had and used the money to buy the pearl. g. This man was seeking something, and he found it (Matthew 7:7). 2. "The parable of the lost piece of silver" (Luke 15:8-10) a. Jesus showed how there is joy in heaven when a sinner repents. b. This parable involved a woman who lost 1 of her 10 pieces of silver. c. Jesus said that she was "seeking diligently" for the lost piece of silver. d. She knew what she was looking for, and she intended to find it. e. When she found it she rejoiced with her friends and neighbors. f. This woman was seeking something, and she found it (Matthew 7:7). 3. In addition to illustrating in His parables what is involved in seeking, . . . B. Jesus was involved in seeking as He fulfilled His ministry (Luke 19:10). 1. In this verse Jesus revealed one reason why He came to earth. 2. Jesus had a plan for seeking lost people (Luke 13:22). 3. As a result of seeking lost people, He found them (Luke 15:1). 4. Jesus was seeking something, and He found it (Matthew 7:7).
1. We must seek the right things because we will find them (Matthew 6:31-32). 2. As we seek for a meeting place, let us: a. seek God's kingdom and His righteousness first (Matthew 6:33) b. remember that God seeks true worshippers to worship Him (John 4:23).