Conversions in Acts "Saul of Tarsus" (Acts 9:1-18)
Introduction: 1.Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave the Great Commission to the apostles (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:45-47). 2.The specific plan for carrying out this mission is revealed in Acts 1:8. 3.As Luke showed how this mission was fulfilled, he also wrote about a number of conversions that occurred. 4.Studying these conversions will help us understand how we become Christians today. 5.Previously, we have examined: 3,000 people were converted on Pentecost (Acts 2) many people in Samaria were converted (Acts 8:5-25) the eunuch of Ethiopia was converted (Acts 8:26-39). 6.In Acts 9:1-18, Luke wrote about the conversion of Saul of Tarsus. a.Paul later talked about his conversion in Jerusalem as he spoke to the Jews who had tried to kill him (Acts 22:1-16). b.He also talked about his conversion in Caesarea as he spoke before King Agrippa (Acts 26:1-18). Discussion: I.(vs.1-2) SAULISINTRODUCEDASAPERSECUTOROFCHRISTIANS
A.(vs.1a) Saul was abusing the Lord's disciples. B.Earlier,: 1.he was involved in Stephen's stoning (Acts 7:57-58; 8:1) 2.he "made havoc of the church" (Acts 8:3). C.(vs.1b-2) He had authority from the high priest to arrest Christians in Damascus. 1.22:4-5 2.26:9-11 II.(vs.3-6) NEARDAMASCUS,THELORDAPPEAREDTOSAUL
A.The Lord had a conversation with Saul. 1.22:6-10 2.26:12-18 B.Later, Paul stated that he had seen the Lord (1 Corinthians 9:1; 15:8). 1.Saul was not saved when he saw the Lord, but it was necessary for him to see Jesus in His resurrected state. 2.This was a qualification of an apostle (Acts 1:20-26). III.(vs.7-9) SAULWENTTODAMASCUSASHEWASINSTRUCTED
A.Saul had to be led to Damascus because the bright light blinded him (22:11). B.For three days he could not see, and he fasted. IV.(vs.10-16) THELORDSENTANANIASTOSAUL
A.Initially, Ananias was apprehensive about going to Saul. B.The Lord assured Ananias that Saul was "a chosen vessel." V.(vs.17) ANANIASWENTTOSAUL
A.Ananias put his hands on Saul so he could receive his sight (vs.12). B.Ananias informed Saul that he would be filled with the Holy Spirit [a blessing provided to the apostles -- Acts 1:8; 2:1-4]. C.Ananias instructed Saul to be baptized so his sins could be washed away (22:12-16). VI.(vs.18) SAULWASBAPTIZED