1. The apostle Peter wrote 2 of the 21 "epistles" [letters] in the New Testament. 2. In his first letter,: a. Peter wrote to Christians who were facing a fiery trial (1:6-7; 4:12) b. Peter addressed various responsibilities that God has given to His people c. Peter showed how God's people must fulfill these responsibilities, even while suffering persecution from unbelievers d. Peter emphasized the Lord's example of suffering as a result of doing the Father's will. 3. This lesson is a study of the information presented in 1 Peter 5:5-9. 4. In these verses Peter addressed several responsibilities that affect the Christian's relationship with God as well as brethren. Discussion: I. (vs.5a) PETER DIRECTED A RESPONSIBILITY TO THE YOUNG
A. The young are to submit to the elder. B. Submission is a responsibility for all Christians (vs.5b; Ephesians 5:21). C. This instruction is given specifically to "the younger." D. Additional passages help us to understand what is involved. 1. 1 Timothy 5:1-2 2. 2 Timothy 2:24-26 II. (vs.5b-9) PETER DIRECTED ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES TO ALL CHRISTIANS
A. (vs.5b-6) God's people are to "be clothed with humility." 1. Peter gave 2 reasons why this responsibility must be fulfilled. a. Reason #1: Because God resists the proud and gives grace to the humble (vs.5b). 1) Proverbs 3:34 2) James 4:6 b. Reason #2: To be exalted by God (vs.6; Matthew 23:12). 2. Jesus confronted this issue with the apostles in Matthew 20:20-28. B. (vs.7) God's people are to cast their anxiety upon Him. 1. Peter gave a special reason why this responsibility must be fulfilled -- "He cares for you." 2. Avoiding anxiety is also emphasized in Matthew 6:25-34; Philippians 4:6. C. (vs.8-9) God's people are to resist Satan (James 4:7b). 1. Peter gave a reason why this responsibility must be fulfilled -- Satan, our adversary, seeks to destroy God's people. 2. To resist Satan we must: a. be sober and vigilant b. remember that others face his afflictions successfully. 3. According to Ephesians 6:10-13, putting on the armor of God will enable us to withstand Satan's efforts.