We Will Be Judged By Our Name Being In the Book of Life (Revelation 20:12)
1. Recently we have been examining some important events that involve Christ. 2. Four of these events have already occurred: the Lord's death, burial, resurrection, and ascension. 3. Other events will occur in the future: the Lord's return, the resurrection, and the judgment. 4. At the judgment we will be judged on the basis of: a. whether we know God and obey the Gospel (2 Thessalonians 1:7-9) b. how we receive the Lord's Word (John 12:48) c. the words we speak (Matthew 12:36-37) d. our works (Matthew 16:27). 5. This lesson is based on the information presented in Revelation 20:12. a. This passage teaches that "we will be judged by our names being in the book of life." b. In studying this subject we need to cover Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-4. c. The first point we need to make is that . . .
A. Old Testament verses: 1. (Exodus 32:32) Moses referred to it as God's book that He had written and that someone could be blotted out of it. 2. (Psalm 69:28) David referred to it as "the book of the living," consisting of "the righteous." 3. (Daniel 12:1) Daniel indicated that God's people are those "found written in the book." B. New Testament verses: 1. (Philippians 4:3) Paul listed several fellow-Christians "whose names are in the book of life." 2. (Revelation 3:5) A person must overcome to prevent his name from being blotted out of the book of life. 3. (Revelation 13:8; 17:8) The names of those caught up in false worship will not be written in the book of life. C. On the basis of this information, let us turn our attention to . . .
II. SOME THINGS JOHN SAW AND HEARD (Revelation 20:11-15; 21:1-4)
A. Let us first consider the things that John saw. 1. (20:11) He saw: a. "a great white throne" [a place of judgment -- Matthew 25:31-32] b. "him that sat on it" c. that the earth and heaven were gone (2 Peter 3:10). 2. (20:12-13) He saw: a. the dead stand before God 1) Included were the "small and great." 2) The dead were resurrected -- the sea, the grave, and Hades gave up the dead that were in them. b. some books opened, one of which was the book of life c. the dead judged on the basis of: 1) what was written in the books 2) their works. 3. (20:14) He saw what happened to death and Hades -- they were "cast into the lake of fire." 4. (20:15) He saw what happened to those whose names were not written in the book of life -- they were "cast into the lake of fire." 5. (21:1) John saw "a new heaven and a new earth." a. The first heaven and earth "were passed away" (2 Peter 3:10, 13). b. In this new dwelling place, "there was no more sea." 6. (21:2) John saw "new Jerusalem" that: a. came "down from God out of heaven" b. was "prepared as a bride adorned for her husband" (John 14:2-3). B. Let us consider the things that John heard. 1. (21:3) John heard that God would dwell with His people in His tabernacle. 2. (21:4) John heard that certain things will not exist in this new dwelling place: tears, death, sorrow, crying, and pain. C. Who will be permitted to enter this new dwelling place? (see 21:27)
1. We will be judged by our names being in the book of life. a. Those whose names are not in the book of life will be punished by being cast into the lake of fire. b. Those whose names are in the book of life will be blessed with an eternal home in heaven. 2. We have shown from the Scriptures that: a. Jesus will return one day b. everyone will be resurrected c. everyone will be judged. 3. As we conclude this study of important events involving Christ, is your name in the book of life?