Introduction: 1.Before Jesus ascended to heaven, He gave the Great Commission to the apostles (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Luke 24:45-47). a.He instructed the apostles to teach the Gospel to "all nations" and "every creature." b.To be saved, a person must be taught, believe, and be baptized. 2.In Acts 1:8, Jesus gave a specific plan for evangelizing the world. 3.As Luke showed how this plan was carried out in Acts, he also wrote about a number of conversions that occurred. 4.Studying these conversions will help us understand how we become Christians today. 5.Previously, we have observed from Acts that: a.Jews, Samaritans, and an Ethiopian were converted (ch.2, 8) b.Saul was converted -- he would bear the Lord's name "before the Gentiles" (9:15). 6.Through Acts 9, however, the Gospel had not been taken to the Gentiles. 7.As we examine Cornelius' conversion in Acts 10, let us keep in mind that: a.Jesus had given "the keys of the kingdom" to Peter (Matthew 16:19) b.Peter was in Joppa where he had brought Dorcas back to life (Acts 9:36-43). Discussion:
A.(vs.1-2) Cornelius is introduced as a Roman officer with authority and as a man of excellent character. B.(vs.3-6) An angel spoke to Cornelius in a vision. 1.He was told to send for Simon Peter who was in Joppa. 2.Peter would tell him what to do. C.(vs.7-8) Cornelius followed the angel's instructions.
A.(vs.9-16) Peter had a vision. B.(vs.17-20) The Spirit instructed Peter to go with the men sent by Cornelius. C.(vs.21-22) Peter talked with the men. D.(vs.23) Peter and some other Christians went with the men. III.(vs.24-33) PETERMETCORNELIUS IV.(vs.34-43) PETERSPOKETOCORNELIUS,HISRELATIVES,ANDHISFRIENDS
A.Peter finally learned "that God is no respecter of persons." B.Peter showed that Jesus had been crucified and resurrected. C.Peter also talked to them about the "remission of sins."
A.It was not for the purpose of being saved. 1.It is mentioned several times that Peter would tell Cornelius what he needed to do (vs.6b, vs.22b, vs.32b, vs.33b). 2.Peter never said anything to them about being baptized in the Holy Spirit. 3.However, Peter did teach them the Gospel and command them to be baptized in water in the name of the Lord. 4.It was then that they were saved (Mark 16:15-16). B.Their baptism in the Holy Spirit proved to Jewish Christians that salvation was also for Gentiles (Acts 11:1-18; 15:5-11, 13-17).