The Lord's Presence Will Affect Our Behavior (Hebrews 13:5-6)
1.To behave properly we must "enter not into temptation" (Matthew 26:41). 2.It is imperative for the Lord's people to behave properly because our behavior will influence other people. a.Good behavior will have a positive influence upon others. b.Bad behavior will have a negative influence upon others. 3.This evening we are concentrating on something involving the Lord that will help us to behave properly. 4.The Bible teaches that the Lord is always with His people -- we are emphasizing this point in our lesson. 5.Remembering that the Lord is always present will lead us to: a.behave properly b.avoid bad behavior. 6.Let us begin by showing that . . .
A.(Matthew 28:19-20) When Jesus gave the Great Commission He promised to always be with His followers. B.(Hebrews 13:5b) To be more specific, He will not leave or forsake His followers.
A.God promised to be with Isaac (Genesis 26:3). B.God promised to be with Jacob (Genesis 31:3). C.God was with Joseph, even during times of difficulty (Genesis 39:2, 21). D.God promised to be with Moses (Exodus 3:12). E.God promised to be with Joshua (Joshua 1:9). F.David stated a number of times that God was with him (Psalm 23:4; 139:7). G.The Old Testament shows many times that the Lord is always with His followers. H.This leads us to the main point of our lesson.
A.At the end of Psalm 139, David made a request for his life to be right with God (see vs.23-24). B.(Philippians 4:5) Notice how "the Lord is at hand" is tied in with practicing "moderation" [forbearance]. C.(Hebrews 13:5-6) Covetousness, contentment, and courage are connected with the Lord's promise to never leave or forsake His followers. D.Not only is God always with His followers, but He sees all, and He knows all. 1.See Hebrews 4:13 2.We need to learn a lesson from Achan. 1.(Joshua 6:18) Before the Israelites took Jericho, God told them not to take certain things. 2.(Joshua 7:1) Achan disobeyed. 3.Israel was affected by Achan's sin (Joshua 7:2-5). 4.Achan was identified, and he was punished (Joshua 7:19-26). 5.Achan hid his sin from his fellow Israelites, but he did not hide it from God. 6.Achan should have remembered that God was present and that God saw and knew what he did.
1.It is imperative for the Lord's people to behave properly (Titus 2:11-13). 2.Remembering that the Lord is always with us will lead us to: a.behave properly b.avoid bad behavior.