1. According to the Scriptures, "forgiveness is a special spiritual blessing." 2. While God's forgiveness is a special spiritual blessing, the Scriptures also teach that there are certain requirements for receiving it. a. We must repent and be baptized in the Lord's name (Acts 2:38). b. We must walk in the light and confess sins (1 John 1:7, 9). c. We must forgive others (Matthew 6:14-15). 3. In our lesson we are concentrating on the fact that "God's forgiveness requires our forgiveness." 4. We are studying "the parable of the unforgiving servant" (Matthew 18:23-35). Discussion: I. LET US FIRST DETERMINE WHY JESUS TAUGHT THIS PARABLE
A. We learn from vs.21 that Peter asked Jesus a question about forgiveness. B. Jesus answered Peter's question in vs.22. C. It was this exchange with Peter that led Jesus to teach this parable. D. Now that we understand why Jesus taught it, . . . II. LET US EXAMINE THE PARABLE (vs.23-35)
A. There are 3 main characters in this parable: a king and 2 servants. a. One servant owed the king 10,000 talents. b. The other servant owed 100 pence to the servant who owed the king. B. The king took account of his servants. 1. The servant who owed the king 10,000 talents was brought before him. 2. This man could not possibly pay his debt. 3. This servant, his wife, his children, and all that he had were to be sold. 4. At least the king would get back some of his money. C. (vs.26) The servant pleaded with the king to be patient with him. 1. He fell down before the king and worshipped him. 2. He said that he would pay the king all that he owed him. D. (vs.27) The king forgave the debt. 1. He was moved with compassion toward the servant. 2. He let the servant go [forgive: "to let go, give up"]. 3. The servant who owed his king such a tremendous debt was forgiven. E. (vs.28-30) Unfortunately, this servant would not forgive his fellow servant. 1. His fellow servant owed him 100 pence, an insignificant amount of money. 2. He took his fellow servant by the throat and demanded payment. 3. This fellow servant made the same request that he had earlier made (vs.29b). 4. However, there was no compassion shown, and the fellow servant was cast into prison until the debt could be paid. F. The king found out what happened, and he delivered the servant he had forgiven to the tormentors. G. Jesus concluded His parable by driving His point home in vs.35. III. THE NECESSITY OF FORGIVENESS IS ALSO TAUGHT IN:
A. Ephesians 4:31-32 B. Colossians 3:12-14 Conclusion:
1. The Lord commands His followers to practice forgiveness. 2. In His parable Jesus showed very clearly how God's forgiveness is dependent upon our willingness to forgive others.