How to Study the Bible 06Introduction:
1. Lesson 6 is the second of 2 based on "How to Study the Old Testament." 2. Review of lesson 5: a. A basic knowledge of history is essential for understanding the Old Testament. b. The gist of Old Testament history can be learned from 11 key books. c. After learning the "big picture" of the Old Testament, we must understand how the remaining books fit into the various periods of history. 3. These remaining books can be divided into 3 main categories: a. books of law and history b. books of poetry and wisdom c. books of prophecy. Discussion: I. BOOKS OF LAW AND HISTORY A. In addition to Genesis, Exodus, and Numbers, the books of law include: 1. Leviticus 2. Deuteronomy. B. In addition to Joshua, Judges, 1&2 Samuel, 1&2 Kings, and Ezra, the books of history include: 1. Ruth 2. 1&2 Chronicles 3. Nehemiah 4. Esther. II. BOOKS OF POETRY AND WISDOM A. Job B. Psalms (Psalm 51 relates to the events recorded in 2 Samuel 11-12) C. Proverbs D. Ecclesiastes E. Song of Solomon III. BOOKS OF PROPHECY A. Isaiah (1:1) B. Jeremiah (1:1-4) C. Lamentations (1:3) D. Ezekiel (1:1-3) E. Daniel (1:1-2) F. Hosea (1:1) G. Joel (1:6) H. Amos (1:1) I. Obadiah (vs.1) J. Jonah (1:1-2) K. Micah (1:1) L. Nahum (1:1) M. Habakkuk (1:1, 6) N. Zephaniah (1:1) O. Haggai (1:1; Ezra 5:1-2) P. Zechariah (1:1) Q. Malachi (1:1; 4:5-6) IV. THE NATURE OF THE PROPHETIC BOOKS A. The prophets announced "the coming punishment of God upon Israel for its sins." B. They predicted "the eventual return of the Jews to Palestine." C. They also spoke of the "coming of Christ and the establishment of his everlasting kingdom." |