Let Us Search the Scriptures to Learn About Worship (Acts 17:10-12)
1. In these verses the people of Berea are highly commended. 2. They are commended for "searching the Scriptures" to determine the truthfulness of the things they were being taught. 3. This led many of them to become believers (Romans 10:17). 4. Searching the Scriptures is the key to learning about any Bible subject. 5. Jesus acknowledged this principle in John 5:39. 6. In Matthew 22:39 Jesus showed that a lack of knowing the Scriptures leads to error. 7. In our lesson, "let us search the Scriptures to learn about worship." Discussion: I. FROM PSALM 95:6 WE LEARN WHAT WORSHIP IS
A. In this verse God's people are called upon to "worship and bow down" and "kneel before" Him. B. "Worship" means to bow down before, to pay reverence to, and to adore. II. FROM GENESIS 22:5 WE LEARN THAT WORSHIP INVOLVES PRESENTING AN OFFERING TO GOD THROUGH FAITH
A. God had instructed Abraham to offer Isaac as "a burnt offering" (vs.1-2). B. By responding as he did Abraham demonstrated his faith (Hebrews 11:17-19; James 2:21-24). C. Worship involves presenting on offering to God; however, faith leads us to follow God's instructions. D. Although Cain and Abel both presented offerings to God (Genesis 4), Abel presented his offering through faith (Hebrews 11:4). III. FROM JOHN 4:21-24 WE LEARN SEVERAL GUIDELINES THAT RELATE TO WORSHIP
A. "True worshippers" implies that worship may not be true (Matthew 15:9). B. "True worshippers": 1. worship God [not man, angels, idols, or Satan] 2. worship God "in spirit" [from the heart, sincerely, with the proper disposition] and "in truth" [according to God's will revealed in the New Testament]. IV. FROM DANIEL 3 WE LEARN THAT FAITHFUL WORSHIP ENABLES THE LORD'S PEOPLE TO BE "THE LIGHT OF THE WORLD"
A. Nebuchadnezzar commanded everyone to worship his image (vs.4-6). B. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego refused to worship the image (vs.12). C. These young men were cast into the furnace, but God protected them (vs.27). D. Keep in mind the Lord's words in Matthew 5:14-16. E. Notice the impression made on the king (vs.28-30). Conclusion:
1. In our search of the Scriptures we have seen that Abraham, Abel, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego considered worship to be a privilege. 2. David shows us how worshipping God is a special privilege at all times, including: a. times of sorrow (2 Samuel 12:15-23) b. times of joy (Psalm 122:1). 3. Let us never forget the gracious call to worship in Psalm 95:1-7a.