1. In Hebrews 11 the necessity of faith is emphasized. a. A person who lacks faith cannot please God (vs.6). b. However, by faith a person can obtain a good report from God (vs.2). 2. This chapter also tells about the faith that was demonstrated by a number of men and women in the Old Testament. 3. In this lesson we are concentrating on the faith of Abraham and Sarah (vs.8-12, 17-19). a. Through their faith, Abraham and Sarah pleased God, and they obtained a good report from Him. b. Their faith also shows how the will of God can be accepted and obeyed, even under difficult circumstances. Discussion: I. (vs.8-10) ABRAHAM FOLLOWED GOD'S INSTRUCTIONS TO LEAVE HIS HOMELAND AND GO TO A PLACE THAT GOD WOULD SHOW HIM
A. God's instructions are recorded in Genesis 12:1-3. B. Abraham's response is revealed in Genesis 12:4-5. C. At that time,: 1. Abraham was 75 years old 2. Sarah was barren (Genesis 11:30). D. God also spoke with Abraham in: 1. Genesis 12:6-9 2. Genesis 13:14-18 3. Genesis 15:1-6. II. (vs.11-12) AT AN ADVANCED AGE, SARAH GAVE BIRTH TO ISAAC
A. (Genesis 17:15-21) God told Abraham that Sarah would have a son. B. (Genesis 18:9-15) Sarah was informed that she would have a son. C. (Genesis 21:1-8) Isaac was born, just as God had said. III. (vs.17-19) ABRAHAM FOLLOWED GOD'S INSTRUCTIONS TO OFFER ISAAC
A. This event is recorded in Genesis 22:1-14. B. The faith demonstrated by Abraham is the kind that pleases God (James 2:21-24).