1. Beginning at 2:17 and continuing through ch.10, the book of Hebrews reveals a tremendous amount of information about the Lord's priesthood. 2. This information shows that Jesus truly is a great High Priest. 3. The fact that Jesus is such a great High Priest should motivate us to serve Him faithfully (4:14). 4. As this discussion of the Lord's priesthood begins at 2:17, the writer stated that "Jesus is a merciful High Priest." 5. This is the subject we are emphasizing in our lesson. 6. Let us begin by observing how . . .
A. Examples: 1. (Matthew 9:27) Two blind men asked Jesus for mercy, and "their eyes were opened" (vs.30). 2. (Matthew 15:22) A woman of Canaan asked Jesus for mercy because her daughter was "grievously vexed with a devil," and "her daughter was made whole" (vs.28). 3. (Matthew 17:14-15) A man asked Jesus for mercy because his son was vexed by a demon, and "the child was cured" (vs.18). 4. (Luke 17:12-13) Ten lepers asked Jesus for mercy, and "they were cleansed" (vs.14). B. By helping these people, as well as many other people, Jesus showed that He certainly was merciful as He fulfilled His ministry.
A. (Hebrews 2:18) He is able to help us today because of the trials He faced [the same point is made in Hebrews 4:15]. B. Caution must be exercised when we consider the Lord's trials. 1. To illustrate, did Jesus: a. experience blindness? b. have a daughter who suffered from demon possession? c. have a son who suffered from demon possession? d. suffer from leprosy? 2. Jesus did not suffer from these problems Himself, but He was merciful to those who did. 3. We must understand that these particular problems are not common to all people. C. Let us consider some of the Lord's trials that are common to all people. 1. Jesus knows how it feels: a. to lose: 1) a family member -- John (Matthew 14:10-13) 2) a close friend -- Lazarus (John 11:33-35, 38) b. to be rejected by: 1) followers (John 6:66) 2) family (John 7:5) 3) countrymen (John 8:59) c. to be betrayed (John 18:3-5) d. to receive unjust treatment (John 19:1-3) e. to be forsaken by close friends (Matthew 26:56). 2. We can see that Jesus faced the same trials we face. D. Because Jesus faced the same trials we face, He is qualified to serve as our merciful High Priest today. E. (Hebrews 4:16) We are encouraged to boldly approach His throne of grace where we may receive "mercy."
1. Jesus will save those who come to God by Him (Hebrews 7:25; John 14:6). 2. Jesus is a merciful High Priest to those who are saved.