1.After Jesus was resurrected and before He ascended to heaven, He gave the Great Commission to the apostles (Matthew 28:19-20; Mark 16:15-16; Acts 1:8). 2.As Luke showed how this mission was fulfilled in Acts, he also wrote about a number of conversions that occurred. 3.Studying these conversions helps us understand how we become Christians today. 4.Previously, we have examined the conversions of: a.about 3,000 people in Jerusalem on Pentecost (Acts 2) b.people in Samaria (Acts 8:5-25) c.the eunuch of Ethiopia (Acts 8:26-39) d.Saul (Acts 9:1-18; 22:1-16; 26:1-18) e.Cornelius and his household (Acts 10; 11:1-18; 15:7-11) f.Lydia and the jailer, as well as their households, in Philippi (Acts 16:13-34) g.people in Corinth (Acts 18:1-11). 5.Paul's travels took him to Ephesus where a number of people were converted.
A.When Paul left Corinth, he took Aquila and Priscilla with him. B.Paul left Aquila and Priscilla in Ephesus when he traveled to Jerusalem. C.Paul planned to return to Ephesus.
A.(vs.24-25) Apollos was a skilled teacher, but he only knew John's baptism (Mark 1:4-5). 1.John's baptism was valid at one time, but it became invalid when Jesus gave His Great Commission. 2.Apollos was teaching a baptism that was not valid. B.(vs.26) Aquila and Priscilla taught Apollos "the way of God more perfectly." C.(vs.27-28) Apollos left Ephesus and was of great assistance in Achaia.
A.(vs.1) After arriving in Ephesus, Paul found "certain disciples." B.(vs.2a) Paul asked them if they had received the Holy Spirit. 1.The apostles were able to lay their hands on people who had been baptized so they could receive the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:14-17). 2.Those who received the Holy Spirit in this miraculous way were able to exercise spiritual gifts (Romans 1:11; 1 Corinthians 12:8-10). C.(vs.2b) These people in Ephesus did not know about receiving the Holy Spirit. D.(vs.3a) This information led Paul to ask about their baptism. E.(vs.3b) They had received John's baptism. F.(vs.4) Paul showed them why John's baptism was no longer valid. G.(vs.5) They responded by being "baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus." H.(vs.6) Paul laid his hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit. I.(vs.7) About twelve men were involved.
A.The Christians in Ephesus knew which one it is -- the baptism of the Great Commission. B.The one baptism is not: 1.christening babies [a baby cannot believe, repent, or confess -- Acts 2:38; Romans 10:10] 2.sprinkling or pouring [baptism is immersion or a burial -- Colossians 2:12] 3.for the purpose of joining a religious group after being saved [a person is saved when he is scripturally baptized, and the Lord adds him to His church -- Mark 16:16; Acts 2:47]. C.We learn from Acts 19:1-7 what a person needs to do who has not received the one baptism.