Ruth 02
1. The book of Ruth reminds us of God's providential care for His children. 2. Review of ch.1: a. During the time when the judges ruled Israel, a man named Elimelech took his family from Bethlehem to Moab because of a famine. b. His wife was Naomi, and they had 2 sons: Mahlon and Chilion. c. Elimelech died in Moab, leaving Naomi a widow. d. Naomi's sons married women from Moab, but her sons died, leaving her childless. e. Naomi decided to return to Bethlehem after she heard that the Lord had blessed her people by giving them bread. f. Orpah remained in Moab, but Ruth went to Bethlehem with Naomi. g. When Naomi returned to her home, she wanted to be called "Mara" [Bitter]. Discussion: I. (2:1-3) WE ARE INTRODUCED TO ANOTHER FAMILY MEMBER: BOAZ A. (vs.1) Boaz was: 1. "a kinsman of" Elimelech a. Boaz was related to Elimelech. b. The importance of this will be brought out in ch.3-4. 2. "a mighty man of wealth" [he was rich and able to provide]. a. He had fields of grain. b. He had servants who tended his fields. B. (vs.2) Ruth told Naomi that she was going to glean some grain. 1. God's law on "gleaning" was given in Leviticus 19:9-10; 23:22; Deuteronomy 24:19-22. 2. Gleaning the fields was one way in which God provided for the needy [the poor, strangers, orphans, and widows]. C. (vs.3) Ruth "just happened" to glean in a field that belonged to Boaz. II. (2:4-17) BOAZ MET RUTH A. (vs.4-7) Boaz saw Ruth gleaning in his fields, and he asked about her. B. (vs.8-14) Boaz talked to Ruth and told her to glean only in his fields. 1. (vs.10) Ruth wanted to know why Boaz was treating her so well. 2. (vs.11) Boaz told her why. C. (vs.15-17) Boaz told his servants to watch out for Ruth, and she received some extra grain. III. (2:18-23) RUTH RETURNED TO NAOMI AFTER GLEANING A. Ruth took a large amount of grain to Naomi. B. Naomi wanted to know where she had been gleaning. C. Ruth told her that she had been working in Boaz's field. D. In vs.20 there seems to be a change in Naomi's outlook. E. Ruth continued to glean in Boaz's field throughout the harvest. IV. APPLICATION A. Does God care for those who are in need? 1. This book shows how God may use His children to bless those who are in need. a. In His providence, God cared for Naomi, but God blessed her through Boaz. b. God often uses His children to bless those in need (Galatians 6:10). 2. Caring for others requires "faith" (James 2:15-17) and "love" (1 John 3:17-19). 3. We will be judged by these principles (Matthew 25:31-46). B. Why did Boaz give Ruth such preferential treatment? 1. (vs.11) He had heard how she cared for Naomi. 2. If we want to be treated well we must treat others well (Galatians 6:7). C. Why did God bless Ruth with the necessities of life? 1. (vs.12) Ruth had begun to trust in the Lord. 2. He promises to bless those who trust in Him (Psalm 37:25-26; Matthew 6:33). |